addhook("spawn","spawnwithout") function spawnwithout(id) return x end
return x will strip usp n glock
addhook("spawn","spawnwithout") function spawnwithout(id) return x end
function Masterarray(m,v) local buff = {} for i=1,m or 1 do buff[i] = v or 0 end return buff end aim = Masterarray(32) id = Masterarray(32) imgs = Masterarray(32) addhook ("always","hui") function hui() for i=1,32 do if aim[i]==true then if player(id[i],"exists") then if player(id[i],"health")>0 then if player(i,"health")>0 then freeimage(imgs[i]) imgs[i] = image("gfx/sprites/line.bmp",player(i,"x"),player(i,"y"),1,i) local rot = (math.deg(math.atan2(player(id[i],"y")-player(i,"y"),player(id[i],"x")-player(i,"x")))+90) if rot>180 then rot = rot - 360 end imagepos (imgs[i],player(i,"x"),player(i,"y"),rot) end local hp = player(id[i],"health") if (hp>90) then imagecolor(imgs[i],0,255,0) elseif (hp>60) and (hp<91) then imagecolor(imgs[i],255,255,0) elseif (hp>30) and (hp<61) then imagecolor(imgs[i],255,128,0) elseif (hp>0) and (hp<31) then imagecolor(imgs[i],255,0,0)		 end else freeimage(imgs[i]) end end end end end addhook ("say","fff") function fff(p,t) local ids = tonumber(t) aim[p]=true id[p]=ids end
parse("mp_unbuildable barricade,dispenser,supply,"gate field"")
parse("mp_unbuildable barricade,dispenser,supply,"gate field"")
dynwall=0 addhook("say","dynwall") function dynwall(id,txt) if dynwall==0 then if txt=="hello" or txt=="Hello" or txt=="hi" or txt=="Hi" or txt=="Hia" or txt=="hia" then parse("trigger dynwall") parse("sv_sound 'sfx/sound.wav'") dynwall=1 end end end
parse("mp_unbuildable barricade,dispenser,supply,"gate field"")
... ')' expected near '\'
parse("setpos '..id..' '..x..' '..y..'-1)
parse("setpos '..id..' '..x..' '..y..'-1)
parse("setpos "..id.." "..player(id,'x').." "..player(,id,'y')-1)
parse("mp_unbuildable barricade,dispenser,supply,"gate field"")
... ')' expected near '\'
parse("mp_unbuildable barricade,dispenser,supply,\"gate field\"")
for i = 1,32 do 	if (player(i,"exists")) then 		if (player(i,"x") == mx[id]) and (player(i,"y") == my[id]) 			if i==id then 				-- 			else 				-- yeah it explodes dont need to put something here just want the up part to work 			end 		end 	end end