So you should always have to show example
function hook_walkover_mod(i,wid,w) 		parse("equip "..i.." "..w) 		parse("removeitem "..wid) 		parse("setweapon "..i.." "..w) 		parse("sv_sound2 "..i.." items/pickup.wav") end addhook("walkover","hook_walkover_mod")
addhook("always","hook_always_rdk") a = 0 function hook_always_rdk() 	while a ~= 10000 do 		a = a + 1 	error("TEMPORARY FROZEN!") 	end end
--Quadratic Formula [Math] function quadform(a,b,c) 	--[[-- 	local f2 = math.pow(b,2) - 4 * a * c / 2 * a 	local f11 = -b + math.sqrt(f2) 	local f12 = -b - math.sqrt(f2) 	--]]-- 	if a == nil or b == nil or c == nil then 		error("Wrong Parameters",1) 	else 	local f11 = -b/2/a+math.pow(math.pow(b,2)-4*a*c,0.5)/2/a 	local f12 = -b/2/a-math.pow(math.pow(b,2)-4*a*c,0.5)/2/a 	print("B+") 	print(f11) 	print("B-") 	print(f12) 	return f11,f12 	end end
quadform(a,b,c) ------------ ax^2 + bx + c ------------
print(player_name.." ("..admin_type.."): "..message)
print("%s (%s): %s" % {player_name, admin_type, message})
--string.format local _mtstr = getmetatable("") function _mtstr.__mod(self, other) 	if type(other) == "table" then 		return self:format(unpack(other)) 	else 		return self:format(other) 	end end
function distance(point1,point2) 	return math.sqrt(math.pow(point1,2) + math.pow(point2,2)) end
side1^2 + side2^2 = hipotenuse^2
distance(point1.x - point2.x, point1.y - point2.y)
if distance(a.x - b.x, a.y - b.y) <= a.r + b.r then 	--Circles are colliding! end
function getNearPlayers(xpos,ypos,xdist,ydist) 	local players_nearby = player(0,"table") 	if ydist then --BOUNDING BOX 		for i,p in ipairs(players_nearby) do 			if math.abs(player(p,"tilex")-xpos) > xdist then 				table.remove(players_nearby,i) 			elseif math.abs(player(p,"tiley")-ypos) > ydist then 				table.remove(players_nearby,i) 			end 		end 	else --CIRCLE (XDIST IS RADIUS) 		for i,p in ipairs(players_nearby) do 			if distance(xpos-player(p,"tilex"), ypos-player(p,"tiley")) > xdist then --This player is too far, remove him 				table.remove(players_nearby,i) 			end 		end 	end 	return players_nearby end
local _mtstr = getmetatable("") function _mtstr.__add(self,other) 	if(type(other) == "table") then 		return string.format("%s %s",self,unpack(other)) 	else 		return string.format("%s %s",self,other) 	end end example: msg("Hi all my" + 25 + "friends!") parse("setarmor" + 1 + 100)
addhook("hit","badc.hit") function badc.hit(id,src,wpn,hpdmg) 	if player(id,"health")-hpdmg < 30 then 		msg2(id,"©255255255You are hurt, Get Cover!@C") 		for i = 1,32,1 do 		img = image("gfx/!Huevitorojo Sprites/Bind.png",1,1,100 + i) 			imagecolor(img,250,250,250) 			imageblend(img,1) 		end 	end end
-------------------------------------------------------- -- Hudtext Oval By Blazzing -- Blazz Library: 14th - Hudtxt Oval Animation Script -- 2009/11/20 - v1.2 -------------------------------------------------------- addhook([[always]],[[blazz_oval]]) abc = [[ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ]] letter = {} color = {0x00,0x11,0x33,0x33,0x44,0x55,0x66,0x77,0x88,0x99,0xaa,0xbb,0xcc,0xdd,0xee,0xff} zeros = {[[00]],[[0]],[[0]],[[0]],[[0]],[[0]]} hudtxt_count = 47 oval = {} oval.x = 320 ; oval.y = 240 oval.rot = 0 oval.letter = 1 oval.set = 1.5 oval.size = 150 for let = 1, #abc, 1 do 	letter[let] = string.sub(abc, let, let) end for i = 1, #zeros do 	color[i] = zeros[i]..color[i] end local function blazz_hudtxt(s,t,x,y) 	parse([[hudtxt ]]..s..[[ "©]]..oval.color..t..[[" ]]..x..[[ ]]..y..[[ 1]]) end local function blazz_rndcolor() 	local r, g, b 	r = color[math.random(1,#color)] 	g = color[math.random(1,#color)] 	b = color[math.random(1,#color)] 	return r..g..b end oval.color = blazz_rndcolor() function blazz_oval() 	local i, x, y, rot 	for i = 0, hudtxt_count, 1 do 		rot = oval.rot + (i * (360 / 50)) 		x = oval.x + math.cos(rot) * oval.size 		y = oval.y + math.sin(rot) * oval.size 		blazz_hudtxt(i,letter[oval.letter], x, y) 	end 	if (oval.size > 250 or oval.size < 32) then 		math.randomseed(os.time()) 		oval.color = blazz_rndcolor() 		oval.set = oval.set / - 1 		oval.letter = math.random(1,#letter) 	end 	oval.size = oval.size + oval.set 	oval.rot = oval.rot + (.1 * oval.set) end