you had one right if - end - construct there which is:
if (txt=="!deagle") then 	parse("equip "" 3") end
thinking should help.
edited 2×, last 18.04.09 01:47:30 am
if (txt=="!deagle") then 	parse("equip "" 3") end
addhook("say","player_say") function player_say(id,txt) 	if(txt=="!usp") then 		parse("equip "" 1") 	elseif(txt=="!glock") then 		parse("equip "" 2") 	elseif(txt=="!deagle") then 		parse("equip "" 3") 	end end
addhook("say","player_say") function player_say(id,txt) 	if(txt=="!usp") then 		parse("equip "" 1") end 	if(txt=="!glock") then 		parse("equip "" 2") end 	if(txt=="!deagle") then 		parse("equip "" 3") end end
dofile("sys/lua/wpnids.lua") addhook("say", "player_say") function player_say(p, t) 	local delim = "!" 	if string.sub(t, 1. #delim) == delim then 		local cmd = string.sub(t, #delim) 		if type(_G[cmd]) == "number" then 			parse(string.format("equip %s %s", p, _G[cmd])) 		end 	end end
addhook("say","player_say") function player_say(id,txt) if(txt=="!all_wep") then lol=0 while(lol<=100) do parse("equip "" " parse("say you just got all weps") parse("sv_sound \"Soundfile\"") lol=lol+1 end end end
addhook("say","player_say") function player_say(id,txt) 	if(txt=="!all_wep") then 		lol=0 		while(lol<=100) do 			parse("equip "" " 			parse("say you just got all weps") 			parse("sv_sound \"Soundfile\"") 			lol=lol+1 		end 	end end
if flacko==nil then flacko={} end flacko.heroes={} ------------------- --FUNCTIONS-- ------------------- function initArray(m,F) 	local array = {} 	for i = 1, m do 		array[i]=F 	end 	return array end function flacko.heroes.setclass(id,hp,armor,speed) 	parse("setmaxhealth "" "..hp) 	parse("setarmor "" "..armor) 	parse("speedmod "" "..speed) end function hudtext2(id,tid,color,txt,x,y) 	toprint = ("©"..color.." "..txt) 	parse('hudtxt2 '' '..tid..' "'..toprint..'" '..x.." "..y) 	--PARAMETERS: 1-Player ID| 2-Text ID| 3-COLOR| 4-TEXT| 5/6-POSITION| end function flacko.heroes.classmenu(id) 	if(flacko.heroes.commanders==0) then 		menu(id,"Select your Class,War Machine,Ninja,Calibur,Bomber,Sniper,Engineer,Commander") 	elseif(flacko.heroes.commanders==1) then 		menu(id,"Select your Class,War Machine,Ninja,Calibur,Bomber,Sniper,Engineer") 	end end -------------------------------------- --Some variables and tables-- --declarations over here -- -------------------------------------- flacko.heroes.class=initArray(32,0) flacko.heroes.specitemtimer = 0 flacko.heroes.specitems=initArray(32,0) flacko.heroes.limit = 15 flacko.heroes.commanders = 0 parse("mp_randomspawn 1") parse("sv_gamemode 4") ------------------------ -- TEAM -> CLASS-- ------------------------ addhook("team","") function,team) 	if (team==2) then 		flacko.heroes.classmenu(id) 	end end ----------------------- --SERVERACTION-- ----------------------- addhook("serveraction","flacko.heroes.serveraction") function flacko.heroes.serveraction(id) 	flacko.heroes.classmenu(id) end --I don't know what is this for, but i left it from the original classes code --------------------------- --CLASS SELECTION-- --------------------------- addhook("menu","") function,menu,sel) 	if (menu=="Select your Class") then 		if (sel>=0 and sel<=7) then 			flacko.heroes.class[id]=sel 			if (player(id,"health")>0) then 				parse("killplayer " 			end 		end 	end end ----------------------- -- SPAWN -- ----------------------- addhook("spawn","flacko.heroes.spawn") function flacko.heroes.spawn(id) 	local weaponstring 	 	hudtext2(id,1,"","",0,0) --Clears HUD texts 	if(player(id,"team")==2) then 		 		if(flacko.heroes.class[id]==0) then 			flacko.heroes.class[id]=math.random(1,6) 		end 		 		if(flacko.heroes.class[id]==1) then 			flacko.heroes.setclass(id,120,203,0) 			weaponstring = "40,48,76" 		elseif(flacko.heroes.class[id]==2) then 			flacko.heroes.setclass(id,85,206,35) 			weaponstring = "69" 			hudtext2(id,1,"000255000","Special items: "..flacko.heroes.specitems[id],250,420) 			--Ninjas drop mines 		elseif(flacko.heroes.class[id]==3) then 			flacko.heroes.setclass(id,90,201,0) 			weaponstring = "30,10" 			hudtext2(id,1,"000255000","Special items: "..flacko.heroes.specitems[id],250,420) 			--Calibur drops primmary ammo 		elseif(flacko.heroes.class[id]==4) then 			flacko.heroes.setclass(id,60,0,5) 			weaponstring = "49,51,76,72" 		elseif(flacko.heroes.class[id]==5) then 			flacko.heroes.setclass(id,85,204,-5) 			weaponstring = "35,53,59" 			hudtext2(id,1,"000255000","Special items: "..flacko.heroes.specitems[id],250,420) 			--Sniper drops medikits 		elseif(flacko.heroes.class[id]==6) then 			flacko.heroes.setclass(id,100,204,7) 			weaponstring = "11,74" 		elseif(flacko.heroes.class[id]==7) then 			flacko.heroes.setclass(id,150,203,10) 			flacko.heroes.commanders = 1 			weaponstring = "32,11,36,69" 		end 	 	end 	return weaponstring; end ----------------------- -- NO BUYING -- ----------------------- addhook("buy","") function 	return 1 end ------------------------- --NO COLLECTING-- ------------------------- addhook("walkover","flacko.heroes.walkover") function flacko.heroes.walkover(id,iid,type) 	if (type>=61 and type<=68) or (type==77) or (type>=70 and type<=71) then 		return 0 	end 	return 1 end ----------------------- -- NO DROPPING-- ----------------------- addhook("drop","flacko.heroes.drop") function flacko.heroes.drop(id) 	if(player(id,"team")==2) then 		if(flacko.heroes.specitems[id]>=1) then 			if(flacko.heroes.class[id]==5) then --Snipers drop Medikits 				flacko.heroes.specitems[id] = flacko.heroes.specitems[id]-1 				hudtext2(id,1,"000255000","Special items: "..flacko.heroes.specitems[id],250,420) 				parse("spawnitem 64 "..player(id,"tilex").." "..player(id,"tiley")) 			elseif(flacko.heroes.class[id]==3) then --Caliburs drop primmary ammo 				flacko.heroes.specitems[id] = flacko.heroes.specitems[id]-1 				parse("spawnitem 61 "..player(id,"tilex").." "..player(id,"tiley")) 				hudtext2(id,1,"000255000","Special items: "..flacko.heroes.specitems[id],250,420) 			elseif(flacko.heroes.class[id]==2) then --Ninjas drop mines 				flacko.heroes.specitems[id] = flacko.heroes.specitems[id]-1 				parse("spawnitem 77 "..player(id,"tilex").." "..player(id,"tiley")) 				hudtext2(id,1,"000255000","Special items: "..flacko.heroes.specitems[id],250,420) 			end 		end 	end 	return 1 end ------------------------------ --NO DEAD DROPPING-- ------------------------------ addhook("die","flacko.heroes.die") function flacko.heroes.die(id) 	if(flacko.heroes.class[id]==7) then 		flacko.heroes.commanders = 0 		flacko.heroes.class[id] = math.random(1,6) 	end 	return 1 end ------------------------------- --SPECIAL ITEM TIMER -- ------------------------------- addhook("second","flacko.heroes.second") function flacko.heroes.second() 	flacko.heroes.specitemtimer = flacko.heroes.specitemtimer+1 	if(flacko.heroes.specitemtimer>=flacko.heroes.limit) then 		flacko.heroes.specitemtimer = 0 		for id=1, 32 do 			if(player(id,"exists")) then 				if(flacko.heroes.class[id]==5 or flacko.heroes.class[id]==3 or flacko.heroes.class[id]==2) then 					flacko.heroes.specitems[id]=flacko.heroes.specitems[id]+1 					hudtext2(id,1,"000255000","Special items: "..flacko.heroes.specitems[id],250,420) 				end 			end 		end 	end end ----------------------- -- ON JOINING -- ----------------------- addhook("join","flacko.heroes.join") function flacko.heroes.join(id) 	flacko.heroes.specitems[id]=0 	flacko.heroes.class[id]=0 end
--AMX2D Already has this built in. if amx2d then return true end function string.trim(t) 	t = string.split(t) 	s = "" 	if not t then return end 	for i, v in ipairs(t) do 		s = s.." "..v 	end 	s = string.sub(s, 2) 	return s end function string.split(t, b) 	local cmd = {} 	local match = "[^%s]+" 	if b then 		match = "%w+" 	end 	if type(b) == "string" then match = "[^"..b.."]+" end 	if not t then return nil end 	for word in string.gmatch(t, match) do 		table.insert(cmd, word) 	end 	return cmd end function string.inside(o, t) 	for i, v in ipairs(t) do 		if o==v then return true end 	end end function string.qsplit(t, d) 	if not d then d = '"' end 	local tab = string.split(t, d) 	if #tab == 1 then 		return string.split(tab[1]) 	end 	local ret = {} 	for i, v in ipairs(tab) do 		if i%2 ~= 0 then 			table.insert(ret, v) 		else 			v = string.split(v) 			for _i, _v in ipairs(v) do 				table.insert(ret, _v) 			end 		end 	end 	return ret end function table.trim(t) 	local tab = {} 	for k, v in pairs(t) do 		if type(k) == "string" then k = k:trim() end 		if type(v) == "string" then v = v:trim() end 		tab[k] = v 	end 	return tab end function table.toStr(t, n, d) 	local s = "" 	if (n == nil) then n = 1 end 	if n<1 then n = 1 end 	if not d then d = " " end 	while (n <= #t) do 		s = s .. t[n] .. "".. d 		n = n + 1 	end 	return s end function isplayer(p) 	p = playerid(p) 	if not (type(p) == "number") then return false end 	if not player(p, "exists") then return false end 	return true end function playerid(i) 	i = string.trim(i) 	if tonumber(i) then 		if player(tonumber(i), "exists") then return tonumber(i) end 	end 	i = name2id(i) 	return i end function name2id(name) 	local names = {} for i =1, 32, 1 do if player(i, "exists") then names[player(i, "name")] = i 			end end if names[name] then return names[name] else return nil end end function id(name) 	return name2id(name) end function id2name(id) 	if player(id, "exists") then 		return player(id, "name") 	end end function name(id) 	return id2name(id) end if not player then 	function player(p, n) 		return n 	end end function args(t, n) 	if #t < 1 then return end 	if not n then n = #t:split() end 	local arg = {} 	if type(n) == "table" then 		arg = n 		n = #n 	elseif type(n) == "string" then 		arg = table.trim(string.split(n, ",")) 		n = #arg 	end 	local t = t:split() 	local _t = {} 	if #t < n then n = #t end 	for i = 1, n-1 do 		local x = t[i] 		if #arg > 0 then 			if arg[i]:split("_") then 				if arg[i]:split("_")[2] == "id" then 					x = playerid(x) 					arg[i] = arg[i]:split("_")[1] 				end 			end 		end 		if not x then x = t[i] end 		if tonumber(x) then x = tonumber(x) end 		x = string.trim(x) 		if #arg > 0 then 			_t[arg[i]] = x 		end 		table.insert(_t, string.trim(t[i])) 	end 	local last = table.toStr(t, n) 	if #last == 0 then last = nil end 	local _l = last 	if #arg > 0 then 		if arg[n]:split("_") then 			if arg[n]:split("_")[1] == "id" then l = playerid(last) end 		end 	end 	if l then last = l end 	if tonumber(last) then last = tonumber(last) end 	last = string.trim(last) 	if #arg > 0 then 		_t[arg[n]] = last 	end 	table.insert(_t, string.trim(table.toStr(t, n))) 	return _t end t=args("guns name AK47", "cmd, player_id, gun") print(t.cmd, t.player, t.gun)
addhook("join","") function,t) 	msg2(p,"Welcome on my Server, "..player(p,"name").."!") end
function lol(1,2,3)
function lol(1,3)
function lol(1,2)
function initArray(m) 	local array = {} 	for i = 1, m do 		array[i]=0 	end 	return array