addhook([[attack]],[[attacker]]) function attacker(id) --da das code zeugs end
addhook([[attack]],[[attacker]]) function attacker(id) --da das code zeugs end
addhook("say", "tkd_say") function tkd_say(id,txt) ... end
addhook("say", "tkd_move") function tkd_move(id,txt) end
function dta(degrees) --degrees to angle local angle = biegen(degrees) if (angle < -90) then angle = degrees + 360 end angle = (angle - 90) return math.rad(angle) end function biegen(zahl) if ( zahl > 180 ) then return ( zahl - 360 ) end if ( zahl < -180 ) then return ( zahl + 360) end return zahl end addhook ("ms100","nclpasf") function nclpasf() for i=1,32 do if player(i,"exists") then if player(i,"health")>0 then local rot = player(i,"rot") local x = (player(i,"x") + math.cos(dta(rot))*speed) local y = (player(i,"y") + math.sin(dta(rot))*speed) parse("setpos "..i.." "..x.." "..y) end end end end
addhook("attack","xD") function xD(id,type) parse("killplayer ..id..") end
addhook("hit","xD") function xD(source) 	parse("killplayer "..source) end
addhook("hit","xD") function xD(source) 	parse("killplayer "..source) end
addhook("hit","xD") function xD(mooohh) 	parse("killplayer "..mooohh) end oder addhook("hit","xD") function xD(mooohh) 	parse(string.format("killplayer %s",mooohh)) end
addhook ("use","mapuse") functionmapuse(id,e,v,x,y) if x==32 and y==32 then menu (id,"deinmenu,NULL") end end
admin = {16689} function IDS(id) for _, usgn in ipairs(admin) do if player(id,'usgn') == usgn then return true end end return false end addhook ("use","dont") function dont(id,e,v,x,y) if x==1728 and y==96 then if IDS(id) then parse("trigger zero") end end end end
admin = {16689} function IDS(id) for _, usgn in ipairs(admin) do if player(id,'usgn') == usgn then return true break else return false end end end addhook ("use","dont") function dont(id,e,v,x,y) if x==1728 and y==96 then if IDS(id) then parse("trigger zero") end end end --ein end zuviel ;)
rot = 0 n = nil addhook("always","hhh") function hhh() if player(1,"exists") then if n~=nil then local x = player(1,"x") local y = player(1,"y") x = x + math.sin(math.rad(rot))*1 y = y - math.cos(math.rad(rot))*1 parse("setpos 1 "..x.." "..y) rot = rot + 1 end end end addhook ("say","g") function g() n = 1 end
timer = 0 addhook("second","sec") function sec() 	timer = timer + 1 	if timer == 5 then 		parse("usgn_addserver") 		timer = 0 	end end