You said you would open the topic again next release.
So I'll start.
A msg that says you vote to kick so and so. in the Vote Menu mrc1 COMMUNITY BANNED Offline
OMG, there are a lot of things to say...
I'll make a list, so here I go...
1. Help menu is not completed yet.
2. Editor, there are some minor bugs, sometimes it closes by urself the game, and I don't know what and why it does...
3. Find Servers, the servers and players online counts bots
and it not show correctly, and maybe you can improve more
on it, maybe an option to show the players playing in the server, as "View Info" or something and maybe an option to add the server on Favorites without having to connect on it...
4. It would be good if we have the buy menu as the original
CS, tr having his menu and CT having his own too...
5. tr cant buy, five-seven and sg550, ct cant buy elite and g3sg1...
6. the reload bullet-per-bullet on the shotguns...
7. flashlight, it is necessary, because it is really good
to show where ur friend have to go without say anything..
The point is, show something to someone without saying..
8. make the pistols be single shot, not automatic... just burst-mode on glock is automatic...
9. make delay when you change your weapon and it modes, you cant shoot while you are putting silencer...
10. you can improve the sounds, as changing the weapon,
reloading, it is entertainment for the players...
this is the top10, I think...
of course I'm forggeting somethings, oh well...
lets see what happens...
11. The bots menu is not completed yet too...
12. When you get hit, ur speed decrease for a while...
13. When you get blind, you have no-sound for a while...
14. When you get hit, the screen shake (this is an idea)
15. Sound quality: Low 22Khz, Medium 32Khz, High 48Khz edited 1×, last 24.12.08 05:44:35 pm
yea thats a lot, idk if anyone noticed or if its just me, but every time i make a map, then go to friend list, freind list never loads :(, does this happen to anyone?
and armor is a bit weaker, every weapon besides pistols r much weaker, maybe u should increase damage on some of them, shotgun especially. I agree mrc, DC hasn't finished a ton of things, but I don't like 5...
Pistol damages are retarded too... Player COMMUNITY BANNED Offline
I can't believe how retarded you are, Redemption.
First of all, It's not called "CS2D Max". that was its name while it was in alpha stage and when it was being made.
Since now its in beta stage, it's just called, NORMAL CS2D.
So don't add the fucking "max" next to it, because if you know how to read, you know that it said on the webpage that "CS2D Max" was just the name of the NEW CS2D WHILE ITS BEING MADE, when it's in beta stage, which it is now, it's NOT CS2D MAX ANYMORE, It's simply called "CS2D" is it that hard? DC fix the title please.
Now second, Marcio, stop whining like a bitch, DC works alone you just give him more work to do, shut the fuck up and give a man a break, he has made a nice game and you don't need to order him what to do.
Yes suggestions is nice, but don't bash the game and say what's wrong. Lee Moderator Offline
I find your logic humorous, please provide a definition of the word suggestion without any synonyms of "criticism" in it. Secondly, can you please not look for trouble when it is not needed? You're just trying to start a fight and I suggest that you at least try to contain your contempt for other humans unless you want to be barred from the forum. To tell you the truth, the only thing I regret was that i never abused my mod powers and banned you and adonradon off of the forum since neither of you can nor even are willing to show even a bit of maturity in the forum. lPlayer this is a suggestion forums, not jerry springer... mrc1 COMMUNITY BANNED Offline
hahaha, no problem...
I already know that this forum have a lot of childish
users, and that is no problem to worry about,
because we have DC to give flame and ban on them!
So, "Player", its time to behaviour yourself,
or you know what is waiting for you!
greetz... Player COMMUNITY BANNED Offline
Lol, I love you childrens.
DC Fix the title please, thanks. L3g3Nd COMMUNITY BANNED Offline
Player has written
Lol, I love you childrens.
DC Fix the title please, thanks.
Lol, ordeining DC make a thing....
btw i agree with marcio with this bug's...
but one thing is 1# in the list... the deagle very overpowered Player COMMUNITY BANNED Offline
L3g3Nd has written
Player has written
Lol, I love you childrens.
DC Fix the title please, thanks.
Lol, ordeining DC make a thing....
btw i agree with marcio with this bug's...
but one thing is 1# in the list... the deagle very overpowered
Yes, I love you too my child. mrc has written
12. When you get hit, ur speed decrease for a while...
I disagree with this. As realistic as it sounds, it's going to piss a lot of players off when they're escaping an enemy while being shot at. And it will make battle dances (dodging your enemy's bullets while trying to shoot him) almost completey pointless to the game because when dodging bullets you must have a fast pace. mrc1 COMMUNITY BANNED Offline
well, of course there will be people who will agree
and disagree, that can be a function with a command
to enable and disable, as server side...
So everyone can choose how to play in their servers...
Haha, but I'm waiting a answer from DC, who is now
just celebrating the christmas...
Let's see what he say when he backs... DC Admin Offline
it sucks mrc1 COMMUNITY BANNED Offline
DC has written
it sucks
haha, u are just refusing to make a better game...
but thats ur game, u do what u want... Player COMMUNITY BANNED Offline
mrc has written
DC has written
it sucks
haha, u are just refusing to make a better game...
but thats ur game, u do what u want...
Marcio, the game is good, DC works hard for it. You should stop sucking his dick and realise of how much of a retarded whining bitch you are. You can't say what makes a better game or not, because I wonder if YOU can make a 2D game of a very popular game and make it so it has a community, decent amount of players, fanwebsites, clans, and even to be accepted on FPSBanana, no afcourse not, because Marcio has no clue how to make games, so shut the fuck up and don't command DC as he knows much better then your little faggot brain. Admin/mod comment
flame is forbidden here. stop that please. /DC o-kay. this is one of the retarded flame i ever read.
but youre a other way of sight.
its really hard to make a game like this.
but i dont know why you are flaming at him. he didn't said anything wrong.
and why he is not allowed to comment dc? he is. edited 1×, last 25.12.08 11:39:41 pm
Yes... marcio's dont make nothing just say your opinnion about that.... and dont call me children "player" i dont mess with u, so dont mess with me ok? Player COMMUNITY BANNED Offline
L3g3Nd has written
Yes... marcio's dont make nothing just say your opinnion about that.... and dont call me children "player" i dont mess with u, so dont mess with me ok?
Yes my child. Admin/mod comment
behave or get banned. /DC Player has written
I can't believe how retarded you are, Redemption.
First of all, It's not called "CS2D Max". that was its name while it was in alpha stage and when it was being made.
Since now its in beta stage, it's just called, NORMAL CS2D.
So don't add the fucking "max" next to it, because if you know how to read, you know that it said on the webpage that "CS2D Max" was just the name of the NEW CS2D WHILE ITS BEING MADE, when it's in beta stage, which it is now, it's NOT CS2D MAX ANYMORE, It's simply called "CS2D" is it that hard? DC fix the title please.
Now second, Marcio, stop whining like a bitch, DC works alone you just give him more work to do, shut the fuck up and give a man a break, he has made a nice game and you don't need to order him what to do.
Yes suggestions is nice, but don't bash the game and say what's wrong.
(Who gives a shit?)
I don't want to get banned.
Anyways, could you get the Pings more accurate...?
There like 20 and 40 when they should be 33-34.