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English Gungame

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old Gungame

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Today, when i was playing, i noticed a new server and when i went in, it was a fully functional gungame mod. every two kills you instantly get a new weapon and the bottom even shows what level your on. How are you supposed to mod 1.0.9?

(btw, when i joined, it said it was made with python, i thought the source for 1.0.9 was never released)

old Re: Gungame

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The source-code was never released. And if you will remember CS2D is made in BlitzMax, not python. However the packet delivery is not exclusive and is transfered unencrypted on UDP protocols. This specific version released by emulates the behaviors of the traditional CS2D Server. This is manageable but extremely time consuming. If you want to take a look at how the servers are made you can check out the 0104 version here:

And if you want to make a version for Max all you need to do is trace the individual packets, decode them, and emulate the responses. I'll give you a hint here:

Confirmation ID: base16 Short (2 Bytes)
Packet Type: 1 byte

use your tracer/sniffer to catalog the packets and trace them to their behaviors. Also remember responses are generally preceded by a validation packet that contains the ID of the packet it's responding too. After that all you need to worry about is the game logic.

old Re: Gungame


I saw this server too, but when I joined I lagged so much the game freezed I wonder why. The map was de_bridge, two players were shooting and two seconds later it freezed.

old Re: Gungame

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KimKat has written
I saw this server too, but when I joined I lagged so much the game freezed I wonder why. The map was de_bridge, two players were shooting and two seconds later it freezed.

That's not the servers fault, check your connection and make sure you're allowed to be pinged at a timely interval

old Re: Gungame


As lee said, the source code has announced closed source and TMK was the creator of this, but is not giving it out as said.

Although lee has also created one it is not as good (or sophisticated) as the one that is already here.
(The server is not "new" its been there since like ever...)

With python, you can exceed limits, such as modifying what it says as the map. (If its de_dust you can change what it says to Hi I pwn or something like that)
You can also of course modify game and put the maxplayers to something else.

old Re: Gungame

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Guest has written
Although lee has also created one it is not as good (or sophisticated) as the one that is already here.
(The server is not "new" its been there since like ever...)

With python, you can exceed limits, such as modifying what it says as the map. (If its de_dust you can change what it says to Hi I pwn or something like that)
You can also of course modify game and put the maxplayers to something else.

Gee thanks -.-, now I'm definitely encouraged to continue working :P.

Anyways, the map name is actually just the 251 server pings, it's relatively easy to change those, the hard part is to decode the successions of packets to find out how the logic behind the server works. The best thing to do here is using promiscuos tracing but that requires a huge amount of the CPU and will create a huge dumpfile littered with only few meaningful packets that you can use ie: a huge number of 13 and a relatively few others that you need.
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