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Englisch Microsoft help

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alt Microsoft help

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Yeah you guys might be thinking that "what a noob thats still uses microsoft"
yeah i use it coz i dont trust anything else

But recently my XP (ok this is old) SP2 seems to freeze alot
i have high RAM and high virtual memory
It freezes when i start the computer
just shows up the intel mother board screen
and after that it becomes buggy thats bugging me
And moreover the WAG popups and screen messages are just a hell
I really need to fix it. i even have a Genuine windows
I think i will switch to MAC

I found a bunch of blitz tutorials
They are the thing
i think i will start programming soon

alt Re: Microsoft help

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i opened a thread about it before
Microsoft pages dont open for me so its impossible
And its the WAG too

alt Re: Microsoft help

Nil Kemorya
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oh my god.

for one, your motherboard might have blown caps: window slow (EW intel board)

two: you can have bad ram causing windows problems

three: your hard drive could be old and have bad sectors or high latency sectors leading to read speed slow downs

four: you could just have a lot of bloatware on your computer

five: your version of windows may have just become too fragmented.

Before you run out of your house and switch to a Mac because Windows 'sucks', go do some reading why computers can slow down.

Macs are not perfect either, the reason you hear about less problems with them is because they can make the hardware GOOD because of the price (friggen HIGH). Not to mention the down sides they have too...

the mac os is nothing more than a prettied up version of linux anyways...

Experience: 3 months working fulltime at PC Cyber techie service.

alt Re: Microsoft help

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Omg no!
Not Intel motherboards, please God!
Intel drivers simply suck, don't buy Intel hardware (besides CPUs).

alt Re: Microsoft help

Nil Kemorya
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Flacko hat geschrieben
Omg no!
Not Intel motherboards, please God!
Intel drivers simply suck, don't buy Intel hardware (besides CPUs).


Intel CPUs are a bit pricey compared to AMDs but they do have quality. Intel mobos just plain suck.

alt Re: Microsoft help

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my CPU is intel(maybe)
well i want the intel core to duo processor what are they?
my computer is too old
from 2002 and can only run games upto 2005

And well MAC is better then PC
it can run GTA 4 even though it doesnt show

alt Re: Microsoft help

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Oh God! what do you have like 512 RAM running that thing??
If your CPU is Intel then good 4 u. But you "don't" even have a duo? well if your com is from 2002 then good luck.

But really you want to get rid of all necessary software and Bloatware. Windows does "not suck". If it does then why is it the most used OS?

alt Re: Microsoft help

Nil Kemorya
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Vibhor hat geschrieben
my CPU is intel(maybe)
well i want the intel core to duo processor what are they?
my computer is too old
from 2002 and can only run games upto 2005

And well MAC is better then PC

Mac is better than PC? Enlighten USGN to that one. (Please Leegao, bust in here with your awesome debating skills)

Maybe it is Intel? Check it out, it is amazing what you can learn by some simple digging in system properties.

Intel Core 2 Quad is what I am looking at man. Maybe I7, but definitely not Xeon, too friggen expensive.

This 'yearly' definition of games really can't be applied because games demand different specs for each game...

No offense, but if people do not know what company manufactured your CPU, they do not know enough about computers to say "macs are better than pcs" with a straight face.

alt Re: Microsoft help

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Well i said it
i just need a gaming computer
no use of that microsoft crap

My RAM is 1.18gigs and CPU speed is 2.67 GHZ
its probably enough of XP
and i am too thinking of buying a new PC or a MAC

alt Re: Microsoft help

Nil Kemorya
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Vibhor hat geschrieben
Well i said it
i just need a gaming computer
no use of that microsoft crap

My RAM is 1.18gigs and CPU speed is 2.67 GHZ
its probably enough of XP
and i am too thinking of buying a new PC or a MAC


Before you spend a HUGE amount of money on a Mac!

I am custom building a gaming rig for $850 this thing is designed for gaming. My OS will be Windows 7.

Dude, Gaming and Mac do not belong in the same sentence without a "does not work for" inbetween.

Do a little research, Macs are perfect for people on web browsers, too stupid for 2 mouse buttons, too stupid to hook up some wires, have enough common sense to empty the US Treasury buying a computer, and people who do video/music editing.

All personal opinion, anyone feel free to boot me in the bum if i forgot anyone who actually needs a mac. (considering Windows machines can have at least 4 1.5 TB drives in them, do NOT say Mac are good for HD space.)

alt Re: Microsoft help

User Off Offline

ok you win(actually no)
I wont switch on mac
neither on Windows 7
I will stay with XP and will see what happens(i am thinking
to switch to 95 now coz i wanna play FF7 again,dont start it now)
any idea about the WGA ?

alt Re: Microsoft help

Nil Kemorya
User Off Offline

Vibhor hat geschrieben
ok you win(actually no)
I wont switch on mac
neither on Windows 7
I will stay with XP and will see what happens(i am thinking
to switch to 95 now coz i wanna play FF7 again,dont start it now)
any idea about the WGA ?

Be quiet now. Leegao, TDK, first and foremost DC, you did NOT hear WGA.

Use Visual Boy Advance. it is a good emulator.

Vista is ok, as long as u have updates and SP1. XP is outdated and limited. 7 is being release (or so they say) this Fall.

alt Re: Microsoft help

User Off Offline

Visual boy advance?
Thats illegal dude
By WGA i mean Windows genuine advantage popups
And visual boy advance is VBA
okay i will switch to vista

alt Re: Microsoft help

Nil Kemorya
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The emulator itself is actually quite a program. The roms it uses are the illegal part xD.

Depends on your budget for the computer to see if you need 32bit or 64bit. Easiest way of telling:

Over 4gb ram: 64bit

Under 4gb ram: 32bit

No talking about WGA, it is too easily misunderstood as something that is clearly illegal on these forums.

alt Re: Microsoft help

Nil Kemorya
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Vibhor hat geschrieben
Dude u can buy any computer
but i need the best for gaming so i am done

yah, so grab something retarded! Some sales guys at PC Cyber put together a $30,000 computer that we might sell to ultra-rich customers.

This thing has a RAID 5 with 5 solid state 120gb OCZ hds, 18gb RAM, dual I7, special ordered board from somewhere O.o, quad blu ray optical drives, and some new Nvidia card they were drooling about.

Personally I can make a halfdecent gaming PC for under $850.

alt Re: Microsoft help


why u don´t backup your games and reinstall XP?

Why MUST someone Open a thread about it, when something is wrong with his system like your Thread?
Just Backup your games. When u dont have enaught space, just burn it on a CD.
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