(like 5 smokes).
So these are my settings on what I play:
[ ] Mark own Player
[X] Lefthanded Players
[X] Recoil-Animations
[X] Wiggle-Animations
(X) Absolute
( ) Relative to Dir.
[X] HUD Fastswitch
Grenade Distance:
(X) By Crosshair
( ) Constant
Game Options:
[X] Auto-Help
[ ] Switch to collected weapon
[ ] Auto Scoreboard Screenshots
[X] Damage Direction Indicator
Level of Gore: Medium
( ) Hide
(X) Transparent
( ) Opaque
Shadow Intensity: 50% Procent
[X] Map Shadows
[X] Player Shadows
[X] Item Shadows
Particle Details: Medium
[X] Bullets
[X] Visible Shots
[X] Tile Animations
Fog of War Details: Medium
Fog of War Alpha: 50% Procent
So yeah basically these are my settings on what i play cs2d max! So I'm curious, on what settings do YOU play cs2d max on? If you dont wanna type everything like I did just copy & paste the list of my settings and change it to your settings.
X means its checked, nothing means its unchecked.
[X] or (X) = Checked
[ ] or ( ) = Unchecked
You can add your additional information like on what sound driver u play, how much procent, ur name, ur spray, etc.