
Marcio has written
wath the heck? 

oh,just another clan that's story is going to end tommorow

His posted hax are really pretty and cool.
So all fans wanna mor hax -

edited 1×, last 24.10.07 03:34:46 pm
2Saadi:I saw the warez too...
They are such a cowards that scare to ask razor diamond for a service (i did not do that,just giving sample!)to crack their software...
And they want him to understand that "they love him" so that he makes them crack/serials!
However,if we are going to talk for warez,better Dc close this crap
why everyone love a hacker player?... i played many times 1vs1 when he was RaZor, and he hack =(
i dont know if he is playing now with hacks, but:
"hacker one time, hacker for ever"
Saddi you mentioned i posted hax? May i see the link to your evidence
After what all you have said to me i feel like quitting the game

edited 1×, last 25.10.07 01:13:57 am

R04R has written
Ecstacy you hack in the first place, I should know
everytime I killed you you had full ammo on your main clip, and no ammo in your extra clips. So your post is meaningless, trying to defend someone saying they don't hack, when you also hack. Greyman hacks also, I've watched him play in-game, very very fast, but constant deagle shots and very fast shotgun.

STFU i dont hack that was probably a hacker using my name i never hack i want proof before accusing me i have absolutely no hacks. Im telling u it wasnt me who was hacking.
PS: I dont hack.
PSS: D1aMoNd dont hack.
[FisH]'' remind you of anyone? Seriously uprate 1 more often.
A cheater in the hacking culture is someone who hacks into video games in order to cheat and win the game. Actual game hackers may change the game entirely.
And a good player is someone who plays the game like ecstacy
PS: i didnt flame u.
PSS: I hate FAGETS who call me a hacker (Geeez).
D1aMoNd_ has written
R04R you obviously dont know the difference between a good player and a hacker.
A cheater in the hacking culture is someone who hacks into video games in order to cheat and win the game. Actual game hackers may change the game entirely.
And a good player is someone who plays the game like ecstacy
A cheater in the hacking culture is someone who hacks into video games in order to cheat and win the game. Actual game hackers may change the game entirely.
And a good player is someone who plays the game like ecstacy
I agree and i have played in many servers and the only person that says i hack is u i wonder y. U call evry 1 hackers except 4 ple u like and r in the same clan as u.