for ppl who dont kno, MSN and Hotmail are the same thing

13 replies

for ppl who dont kno, MSN and Hotmail are the same thing
ow yeah, i already added you

edited 1×, last 20.03.07 05:20:57 pm
how the hell do he got so much??

Robin has written
i know but it was a totally different question
that doesn't say you have to make a double post.
Some blank lines between the texts would have done it.

Niborius has written
yeah yeah yeah i know 

If u dont like blank lines u can use 'ps'like me...

Ameer925 has written
Can people with MSN post their MSN name? i just got MSN and i have no one!
for ppl who dont kno, MSN and Hotmail are the same thing
for ppl who dont kno, MSN and Hotmail are the same thing
It's not entirely the same, it's a email service and a messenger service, but I could give you my email lolz.
Although you have me on the list already, lolz.
> - Email address (only visible with login) - <