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English I'm too good

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old I'm too good

User Off Offline

Hello, let's talk a little?

Can you believe they banned me from the C-4 2024 server?

Simply because I'm really good at this game and I was beating all the other players.

The moderator had so many messages about me that he decided to ban me.

I'm sad about it, but it's okay, maybe it's my time to retire.

old Re: I'm too good

User Off Offline

Imagine whining after server crashing which is the only rule of the server, You have been caught, moreover owners isn't simple school-admins as you may commonly see on other servers. You still show Your ego after being banned. That was a right ban. Another useless topic which must be closed. Moreover u admit it lol.
edited 2×, last 29.11.24 10:58:14 am

old Re: I'm too good

User Off Offline

@user Mora:

You are saying something you have heard from other players.

Trying to frame me for something I didn't do.

They say I crashed the server, but no one can prove it.

The truth is that I am a very annoying player because I am very smart and strategic, always watching the other players.

This made them very angry, where they reported me to the moderators.

The moderators, having a bad day, decided to ban me.

old Re: I'm too good

User Off Offline

Banning you from a public server doesn't make you feel like you're a good player.

old Re: I'm too good

User Off Offline

user forfunlol420 -Quited- has written

Server owners can easily solve this problem with this small script.

addhook("say", "onSay") 
function onSay(id, message)
	if message:find("¦") then
		return 1

addhook("sayteam", "onSayTeam")
function onSayTeam(id, message)
	if message:find("¦") then
		return 1

This will ignore any message that contains this specific character, whether in Say or Team Say.
edited 1×, last 29.11.24 04:46:43 pm

old Re: I'm too good

User On Online

user mrc has written
user forfunlol420 -Quited- has written

Server owners can easily solve this problem with this small script.

addhook("say", "onSay") 
function onSay(id, message)
	if message:find("¦") then
		return 1

addhook("sayteam", "onSayTeam")
function onSayTeam(id, message)
	if message:find("¦") then
		return 1

This will ignore any message that contains this specific character, whether in Say or Team Say.

Sorry for little off-topic but generally it's better to use string.match instead of string.find.

local message = "This message contains the special character ¦"
local iterations = 1000

local start_find = os.clock()
for i = 1, iterations do
    local found = string.find(message, "¦")
local end_find = os.clock()

local start_match = os.clock()
for i = 1, iterations do
    local found = string.match(message, "¦")
local end_match = os.clock()

print("string.find: " .. (end_find - start_find) .. " seconds")
print("string.match: " .. (end_match - start_match) .. " seconds")

string.find: 6.9e-05 seconds
string.match: 0.000526 seconds

old Re: I'm too good

User Off Offline

user Gaios has written
@user mrc: wtf?

From what they've been saying, he was banned because he was flooding the server with this character, which caused a bug in the chat.

old Re: I'm too good

User Off Offline

Pbeloto was not banned for simply sending this symbol in the chat (which has since been fixed). That would be very childish of us. Two administrators voted to ban you based on your conduct over the past 12 months.

On several occasions, you:

1 - Uploaded rank farming maps. And even so, we did not reset your rank;
2 - Insulted several players, aggressively;
3 - Disrespected the rules of .....RP..... server (one house per player, for example);
4 - Logged in with other IP addresses to manipulate map vote and kick players from the server;
5 - Numerous attempts to crash the server;
6 - Promoted a unhealthy environment by encouraging conflicts between players.

We are grateful for all the attempts to attack the server, as we were able to improve the protection of our systems. However, there came a point where this became unsustainable. There were several complaints, over many months, and this was harming the local community. This was intensified by reports of attempts to crash the server, attempts to cause massive lag, and even your own in-game behavior.

In all these years in this game, we have never banned anyone! All the rules we have in the #rules channel were created precisely because of you. I personally wouldn't have banned you; instead, I would have removed your rank and all the items and achievements you acquired on the server.

You may be able to return to the server in the distant future. Take some time to reflect on all this!

This forum is not the best place to discuss this. @user mozilla1 has already spoken with you.
edited 1×, last 30.11.24 04:55:54 am

old Re: I'm too good

User Off Offline

@user sheeL:

If there are no rules, there is no reason to care about my behavior.

Tell me how I tried to take down the server? since you talk so much about it.
There has to be proof of this.
The simple fact that I send CHARACTERS to disrupt INSULTS is not a reason to say that I am bringing down the server.

As for being an aggressive player, yes, I am and always have been.

The insults don't just come from me, but from all players, including tons of racists and prejudices.

But I don't mind insults, because they're just tantrums from spoiled children.

I really caused chaos on the server by being so good and beating all those spoiled kids.

The truth is that you administrators were upset that there were so many complaints about my behavior.

But this can be solved by creating RULES, and that these rules apply to everyone and not just me.

I actually had two houses, something that is CURRENTLY prohibited.

But that was before they told me.

After that I no longer had two houses.

At no point was I told that the cultivation of BOTS was prohibited.

They just told me that it was forbidden to host maps where they cornered players, in which I followed orders and continued farming the bots peacefully.

old Re: I'm too good

User Off Offline

I only logged in again after a long absence just to comment under this post.

The C4 server is the epitome of garbage, even back in the better days of CS2D. They tolerated cheaters, and almost everyone actively playing was immature and just plain stupid.

Apart from creating a thread here just to complain about being banned from a server — which is already enough to make yourself look bad — you apparently still play C4 regularly in 2024. On top of that, claiming that they banned you because you're too good is the pinnacle of having an inflated ego, making you look even worse.

Is it really worth arguing here about a ban on a garbage server like C4 in a game that has been dead for half a decade?

old Re: I'm too good

User Off Offline

@user Chingy: You having not actual information about current c4/rp servers. Have You ever joined ......RP...... server today? This one must be never compared to the old one and also current owners.
edited 1×, last 03.12.24 08:03:30 am

old Re: I'm too good

User Off Offline

user Chingy has written
I only logged in again after a long absence just to comment under this post.

The C4 server is the epitome of garbage, even back in the better days of CS2D. They tolerated cheaters, and almost everyone actively playing was immature and just plain stupid.

Apart from creating a thread here just to complain about being banned from a server — which is already enough to make yourself look bad — you apparently still play C4 regularly in 2024. On top of that, claiming that they banned you because you're too good is the pinnacle of having an inflated ego, making you look even worse.
Is it really worth arguing here about a ban on a garbage server like C4 in a game that has been dead for half a decade?

It's true, there isn't a rule against using cheating software on C4 (there are no rules at all, except from attempting to crash server using DDoS or other method), but that doesn't mean we're not actively trying to combat cheat usage.

Also on this topic, we're not at fault that this guy went on his way to create a thread to complain about our decision to ban him, its not like we control him.
We don't usually ban people, but he was a exceptionally rare exception, his ban was justified since he was giving us a lot of trouble to C4 Staff and generally just being annoying at our playerbase.

There is no going back, and there is no discussion. My opinion on this matter is that this topic should be closed.

old Re: I'm too good

User Off Offline

I created this topic in order to discuss opinions among cs2d players, and this typical off tab is used to talk about topics related to the game.

@user Chingy: , I really liked what you said, because they are true words, but you can't judge those who still admire cs2d, because this game brought many joys to these people.

@user mozilla1: , this is what I want to get to.
I'm happy to know that the decision to ban wasn't because of an "attempt to bring down the server", but rather because you decided it because I really irritated the other players.

This just proves that I was actually a very good player, and that I made my enemies uncomfortable.
This is the rivalry instinct and common in FPS GAME.

In fact, it's only been 15 years playing on this server

old Re: I'm too good

User Off Offline

user pbeloto has written
@user Chingy: , I really liked what you said, because they are true words, but you can't judge those who still admire cs2d, because this game brought many joys to these people.

I'm not judging that people have nostalgia for this game, I do aswell. This is why I've connected to cs2d servers in the past 2 days.

But this game is at a point of state where it's just not worth this kind of thread or discussion anymore.

old Re: I'm too good

User Off Offline

I really don't understand what the problem here is. Every server owner has full rights on their own server to ban whoever they want. Even if there was no reason, there is no global ruleset that forbids banning people for no reason at all. The server owners can do whatever they want. The only thing they have to "fear" is being banned from the serverlist by @user DC for violating unreal software rules. But banning people from their own servers? They can do that. For whatever reason they want.
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