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English CS2D Serverlist in web browser with API calls

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old Re: CS2D Serverlist in web browser with API calls

Admin Off Offline

Pretty cool. I like the clean style. The "refresh bar" when viewing a server confused me in the beginning. It's pretty common to have these as loading bar on websites so to me it looked like the page takes long to finish loading. Maybe you can re-style that a bit and write something like "refresh in " next to it. I don't know.

old Re: CS2D Serverlist in web browser with API calls

User Off Offline

@user DC: Thank you for your feedback! You're absolutely right. I've added a "refresh in X seconds" feature to the progress bar.

I've also added the option to request details from multiple servers using a single HTTPS request. For example:
edited 2×, last 04.03.25 05:46:35 pm

old Re: CS2D Serverlist in web browser with API calls

User Off Offline

suddenly had a thought of cs2d, opened this forum, saw it's still active, and community actively contributing, amazing. Started playing when i'm 13, now i'm 23 (i'm sure there are alot of older people than me). Hajt, you gave me your MixMatch script for my first asia competitive community (Radeon2D) back in 2016. Those highschool scripting experience lead me to this day where i am actively working fulltime as a software engineer on my local government, this community is truly something else. (sorry for being emotional, i really feel what i wrote).
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