Fair enough, as I said earlier, its core code appears to be done and if the content anyhow would be added, it should be pretty much playable.
I first called it Destiny, but once I realized it wasn't going to be a complete mimic, I then renamed it as Core without even thinking about its lore. Yes, with all these possibilities I am going to list down below, this mod could have an actual story behind it.

Items are indispensable of RPGs, so are my mod's. Equipment slots go like Helmet, Breastplate and three types of weapons. I just didn't want to add Pants nor Boots since they're not visible at top-down so I stayed low key. The three weapon types are similar to Destiny. Basic, Heavy and Power. Basic has unlimited ammo but Heavy and Power have collectable ammo drop from mobs. Personally, I was going to make RPGs, Rocket Launchers and Grenade Launchers a Power weapon, while AWP, Scout and XM1014 would be a Heavy and the rest being Basic. This was how I prepared it in my mind but, of course, you can set them however you want. There are some other items too, like consumables and such.

Thanks to my UI Framework, it has a really powerful menu system where you observe your quests, items in your inventory, your equipment and the map. Players can open the menu by pressing [G] and close it back with the same button. The menu content doesn't show until a half-second passes after the press. If the player presses the button before the half-second passes, the menu closes and content won't be loaded. This is to avoid the spams that would cause lags and frame spikes. It is just that beautiful. Once the content is loaded, the players can browse the other pages of the menu without another loading sequence.

I've been working so hard for tooltips in CS2D. Like maybe for more than 2 years. And this is the farthest point I could ever take it. It is not laggy and as dynamic as feasible. It automatically scales accordingly to its text content. And you can set its position with values like "top-right", "bottom-left" as well.

There is an actual map in the game. You can see the locations you discovered, NPCs and your quests. Its control scheme is kinda odd to get used to but is improvable. You may even zoom/unzoom and move the map around.

Players can interact with NPCs with space button. They can give players quests or act like vendors. As impressive as it could get, every each NPC can have unique dialogues along with answer opinions that players can choose among. This is called the Dialogue Tree. But to figure out how this precisely runs, you'll most likely need to mess with the code first. However, once you get every single detail of it, it is a really good way of creating a narrative in a game, I believe.

There are locations which are visible on the map when discovered. When a location is discovered or entered, the players are informed. There are locations types too: Safe, Neutral, Red and Black. This idea comes from Albion Online, where locations act differently by their types. Safe is basically a safe zone, the mobs won't be able to enter or attack you, just like the other players. Neutral is where the mobs appear, and Red & Black locations are PvP zones along with mobs inside, the last two are the most dangerous ones.

Needless to say, there are mobs. Unlike Tibia, they are more realistic now. Roaming is more acceptable and they may have more specifications.

There are even quests, oh boy this never ends. You can create distinctive quests, all having individual segments to accomplish and rewards to have at the end. Controlling them is quite easy too. And this is how you see them on the map:

And many other features I have no time to express. I am sorry if this mod lacks (which definitely does), but this thread is being published by the fear of the accident where I would forget this mod's very existence; until then I possibly will be improving this mod though. Perhaps you can use this as a prototype, which unearths what is possible and not in CS2D's modding outlines.
This mod can be a receivable product as a sum of the experience of more than 6 years of coding for CS2D. I have learned a bit from everything through my modding experimentations in CS2D, I surprisingly learnt even more when modding this very mod for the last time.
P.S.: I know I should be retarded to release this without a proper document or something, but I really have no time for that. But I give you a word of an erudition service for editing purposes on the contact you make with me. So, say me hi on Discord, will you?
Thank you, and here's a link to the mod before I forget: Google Drive (1 MB~)
edited 2×, last 29.10.19 05:32:36 pm