
spawnnpc 1 -54 -56
Shows the error
ERROR: spawnobject - wrong tile properties!
It should say
ERROR: spawnnpc...instead.


The documentation even says that.
I understand however that the error can be quite misleading. Can fix it and will do so

This doesn't seem to remove the entire platform, rather it seems to just remove it's image? Leaving it's obstacle and wheels behind...
Either this is a bug or I'm missing something.
Would be nice to know ^.
Bots move improperly when physics are enabled! Please fix that!
edited 1×, last 17.05.19 04:23:12 pm

This is useful when you want to explode remove a certain part of vehicle for example.
debug_aiset to
1: https://i.imgur.com/STjJH2m.png
Related to physics:
Using the sample given, I've changed the return to this:
return { controller, wheelFL, wheelFR, wheelRL, wheelRR, physObject, platform }
Then I try to run an
ipairsloop through each one of them calling
v:destroy(), the walls remain.
More problems:
It's possible to run/walk on top of barricades and it causes you to die instantly.
Bot's can't move/aim properly.
Walking still makes sounds.
Running doesn't sound the same, it might call the sound more often? Not sure if intended.
Maybe add
debug_physicswhich will color physic walls/obstacles.
edited 1×, last 18.05.19 09:37:58 pm

Pretty sure molotov does that too, I thought it was intended (?)
Yeah, when you have a script (

This was already reported/fixed. Not sure if released with patch.
This should be fixed! Thanks!

edited 1×, last 04.01.20 12:00:19 pm