play csd2 fullscreenRegartoEspanioloEkobimo User Offline 04.11.18 04:44:33 pm I try start the game in fullscreen my pc size 1280x720 but the game is only small in size...... I cant play cs2d in full size..... the option for maximum resolution is not working here Maybe this is a bug on windows 10 64bit?
Re: play csd2 fullscreenj0kER aR User Offline 04.11.18 08:48:03 pm 1Options > Graphics > Run Windows uncheck the X
Re: play csd2 fullscreenRegartoEspanioloEkobimo User Offline 07.11.18 09:54:51 pm thank u amigos opengl worked!!!
Re: play csd2 fullscreenForeverNames User Offline 06.12.18 06:15:11 am Does Mac works? Or no? I just uncheck "Run Windows" & it goes on 850x480. Is it not worked on "Run Windows"?
Re: play csd2 fullscreenKingShadow User Offline 06.12.18 03:52:19 pm Is it possible to change the resolution while you play in the server ?
Re: play csd2 fullscreenslimK User Offline 06.12.18 05:53:12 pm @ KingShadow: I think simonas told he was going to add that option soon.
Re: play csd2 fullscreenKingShadow User Offline 06.12.18 05:59:46 pm @ slimK: this thing was available in the previous versions but they removed it I don't know why.