
I find out that if you use inentityzone(x,y,18) then it give you only true if your are in a Env_Hurt Zone. But type 18 should be Info_NoBuildings
See here:
edited 1×, last 11.05.18 06:34:47 pm
player(id, "mousex")or
reqcldfunction. No matter how many ways are existing because both of them have the same issue anyway.
The issue is, these data outputs are incorrect. However, it depends on your resolution. For me, all the resolutions except for 850x480 don't work.
As an example, I provided a function that says me the coordinates of my mouse position and I am just attempting to move my mouse to the left bottom corner of the window to see the what genuine resolution I'm running.
Here is a video (clicky).
I hope this will get fixed soon.

It's more tricky, I'm trying not to include black boarders in some situations.

I'm trying not to include black boarders in some situations.

player(id, mouse) works only when player is alive.
parse("mp_hudscale 1") player_img = image("gfx/hud_radar.bmp", 425, 240, 2, 1) addhook("ms100","ms100") function ms100() 	if player(1, "exists") then 		imagepos(player_img, player(1, "mousex"), player(1, "mousey"), 0) 	end end

the letter Ñ appears as a pointer, i do not know if someone reported this but I thought it was strange and for that reason I share it here.
I affirm that he is the pointer of the other person, in case someone asks if it's my pointer

Otherwise this is very hard issue to fix, something related with textures memory placing.

j0kER aR: Perhaps it's a script?
Otherwise this is very hard issue to fix, something related with textures memory placing.

Otherwise this is very hard issue to fix, something related with textures memory placing.
is not script error, the truth I have no idea what that error will be... when I saw it, it seemed strange to me!
and parse("reroute "" ip")
doesnt work
would nice to hear some feedback of my bug reports
edited 1×, last 03.06.18 03:22:52 pm
Thanks for reading.

Admin/mod comment
Next time describe problem, it took me 10 seconds to figure it out
edited 2×, last 28.06.18 11:24:37 am

EDIT: problem solved, the reason was the huge size of sprite with "Affect lighting" options cause this
I'm alone in sewer was about to build an exit. My teammate came and locked the gate, leaving no option for escape but by destroying several boxes or pass the turrets. My teammate (possibly a newcomer in cs2d) got killed. Me who a "feeble minded" chose to destroy the boxes. Then I built a supply and stock the XM1014 for speeding up the process. The bug occurs when my ammo is 0/2. I can't reload anymore. Until i picked the primary ammo from the dispenser, i can reload again.
I think this bug happened because :
- My connection (yeah, sometimes happened)
- The server script bug
- The CS2D has bug (variable desync?)
- Another
CS2D New Game (listen) Server + Second player (50ms+ ?), lag comp 200ms
When you as server enter a portal that triggers something (an explosion) then it is only triggered once.
But if the second player does it, it's triggered 3+ times!
hudtxt trigger counter is included for sprites on this test_portal map.
PS: very rarely works on LAN with 1ms ping, then it only may triggers 2 times, never 3+