
And his name:

another bug, when you swipe your weapons holding attack button and rolling mousewheelup/down your weapon would fire without required cooldown for it, but without proof, otherwise it lead to spending rounds into milk(t=56 to skip text):
Sorry for bad quality, ee
EDIT2: ^ it would be effective if you're server.
edited 3×, last 06.03.18 11:11:27 am
My USGN Number suddenly changed from #107349 to

EDIT: It goes normal again after relaunching CS2D.
EDIT2: No sign of #177617 is my logs.
edited 2×, last 09.03.18 02:28:39 pm

Though I checked the logs, no sign of 177617 anywhere..
I have played CS2D for 7 years, this never happened to me. Afaik if the game is still verifying USGN and I entered a server, it just straight up give me USGN 0 (not logged in) or stuck in USGN verification.

sv_stopsound doesn't stop the sound for a specific player (ID)
edited 1×, last 30.03.18 02:09:56 am
EDIT : Also, I've noticed when a cheater/griefer joins, like, recently joined; they don't show up in "Players & Bans".
I have to use "listplayers" command to see them in console and ban them from console.
edited 1×, last 02.04.18 10:48:36 am


The other issue is probably that the game doesn't reload the list properly. Have to check that in detail. has written
Value ranges and meaning:
-1: use the value defined by the map
0 - 180: night, pitch-black
180 - 210: dawn, getting brighter, shadow directing east to south-east
210 - 330: day, full brightness, shadow directing south-east to south-west
330 - 360: dusk, getting darker, shadow directing south-west to west
-1: use the value defined by the map
0 - 180: night, pitch-black
180 - 210: dawn, getting brighter, shadow directing east to south-east
210 - 330: day, full brightness, shadow directing south-east to south-west
330 - 360: dusk, getting darker, shadow directing south-west to west
Error: Failed to load Image
That is the only one that it shows to me, maybe theres more

Does the file gfx/player/hostages.bmp exist?

Windows 10 Pro, latest version
./CS2D: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
This is the output I get when attempting to run CS2D via command line albeit the specific shared object
libsteam_api.sofile is already there in the folder. Copying the said SO file from other Steam games doesn't actually fix the problem. Note that I ran the standalone version of the game. My Linux distribution is Linux Mint 18.3 "Sylvia" 64-bit with a 4.13.0-38-generic version kernel.
The bug can be reproduced on the recent version -- (

SteamIDAprocedure can not be found in the dynamic link library

The name in the main menu is correct.