Please add some random tips to the right side of the menu screen and below loading bar in loading screen.This could help new players.
Please add some random tips to the right side of the menu screen and below loading bar in loading screen.This could help new players.
Like: env _sound, add option: Do not play the same audio at a time
"I am using Re-Use Delay in Triggers, but is better but this command in env_sound."
#2 Env_Npc
Add: Respawn Every x Seconds, in the Env_npc, to don't need to use trigger delay.
#3 Maximum Money
Add option to Change the Money for more than 16000 without scripts.
#4 More than one Entities in the same floor
Add option to add for example, 2 Triggers and One Breakable in the same floor. Like 1 Trigger_Use, 1 Trigger_Hit and 1 Env_breakable.
This will help so much mappers to do deathruns, coop maps.
#5 About Npcs
Npcs moving like Bots (configurable in the Env_NPC, move from tile x to tile x, every x seconds. And if see a player, it will follow and attack then, and back to the position later.
edited 1×, last 21.11.17 05:10:30 pm
headshot mechanic, yes headshot mechanic. the idea is simple, just like normal 3d shooters you use your crosshair to aim at your enemies head to headshot them, same for cs2d you just need to aim at enemies head with your crosshair. the difference is not your shots are line up with the head but only when your crosshair is on top of the head. i don't know if this is difficult as hell to add in to the game, but i just want to say with out headshot this game really is too casual, it's great fun with fun mode and mod, but the without headshot it just make it too simple, you can only win a gunfight with luck at this moment in the game.
at the end i don't expect anything, but i just want to try, maybe it's a good idea. specially because of the steam release, if this game want to go longer, this might help a bit imo.
or if i just repeated someone else's idea i am sorry, i could try to read all the reply but it's too many, and there is no rule saying you can't post suggestion about headshot so i did post this.
you can only win a gunfight with luck at this moment in the game.
player(id, "usgn")and
player(id, "steam")not return
falseinstead of
Would make coding a lot easier and less ugly tbh.
returns value of current weapon player holding:
edited 1×, last 29.05.19 11:53:25 am
If it returns somehow it possible to make it easier to get such values but not through log hook.
local name = require 'modname'
![cs2d lua hook](img/i_codehelp.png)
![cs2d lua cmd](img/i_codehelp.png)
![cs2d lua cmd](img/i_codehelp.png)
![cs2d lua cmd](img/i_codehelp.png)
(id, 255, 255, 255)doesn't help.
sys/weapons.cfg. Why isn't it? I really need that.
edited 1×, last 14.12.17 04:28:10 pm
![cs2d lua hook](img/i_codehelp.png)
![cs2d lua hook](img/i_codehelp.png)
Also - there is a way to detect if player miss the shot? When he fired but no hit applied to player/hitzone/building/table etc
.mapfiles with cs2d and anytime you double click it just open this map in cs2d if map editor is not busy, otherwise open in 2-nd cs2d or dont open.
edited 1×, last 19.12.17 09:29:25 am