Hello, last season and now this season, we've been creating tournaments, and there, our anti-cheat caught switch scripts ( this is an script that automatically switches the weapon, in an unbelievable time, this is very good for pistols rounds where you would become very hard to aim for the other player, since the knife is really fast).
Solution from PCS: Ban switch scripts (which is already hard because they might be hard to find or to detect with eye)
: Now the actual problem is players having special hardware for this special switching
Now lets be honest, we cant ban people for having better hardware, its a problem of the game, it's not like if i have a bigger monitor i would see much more than the other players right? we actually see the same "rectangle"
But this part of the game is being exploited and the only solution must come from the Developers, i know Simonas cares about this problem but we need him to care even more and get an actual solution.
If you dont solve this, this switch thing will keep spreading hate and unfairness and also new players will try this trick too, it's not good when "everyone has to cheat to balance".
The solution would be to add a little, a small delay between weapon switching.
Thank you for reading.
DC i can link you this switch script if you need to.
Notes: The game must stay dynamic, i dont mean 1 or 2 secs drawing weapon, i mean 0.2 or 0.3 ms that would avoid INSTANT switching from these super scripts or special hardware
:It doesnt need to be default, and we can have a special command like sv_weapondelay 0.2 etc
-It should not affect grenades and we should test this before anything, to avoid drawbacks for competitive players edited 6×, last 21.11.17 06:27:31 pm
Admin/mod comment
title fixed. /DC 1uP User
The problem is you can't really set a time duration that must pass before you can switch weapon, simply because the user may be faster than you think he is.
You never know for sure. Disabling weapon switch before a specific time exceeds will be frustrating for players that are actually faster than that duration. Yates we can put the fastest users and agree to a good time
"Notes: The game must stay dynamic, i dont mean 1 or 2 secs drawing weapon, i mean 0.2 or 0.3 ms that would avoid INSTANT switching from these super scripts or special hardware" Yes, this is a big problem of cup/leagues matches.
CS2D need a something like a VAC or other program included with CS2D for can block all "programs" (cheats, scripts and others). Meaningless vanity imo. This will destroy competitive game the way we know it, it will become super slow and boring.
I'm for No. @
Just no ultra fast switching which can only be achieved with special software like the one you made or hardware (special keyboards)
The game must stay the same other than that mrc User
In our community we have players with scripts or special keyboards that give a incredible advantage when for example, using pistols (switching very very fast between knf and pistol, or automatically)
Our mission is to add a little delay, that would become more realistic and less of an advantage, so people can use this script or hardware without getting an advantage versus normal competitive players.
We do not intend to affect whole cs2d gameplay, just a local command for our servers.
I can get that some would vote no, but it's more related to PCS than the game in general. DC Admin
This would have to be examined. I'm not sure if it can simply be added without breaking things.
Also I had to adjust the title. Please use titles which describe the actual issue. @
The main problem is not wrecking grenade binds but well we could test it, because when you throw a grenade it has delay afterwards
And nothing global, just a local command for our servers Could you tell me how the actual anti cheat work like? @
V Anti Cheat Reports
1. After match - Your clan checks opponent AC reports and viceversa. If there is someone suspicious - write to Administrator or report it on forum creating topic with suspicious player nick or post it into the match topic.
2. MOSS Reports must be delivered 15 minutes maximally after leaving server by player or end of match, not even second later, or there will be penalties, rematch, or even w/o.
3. If There are problems with AC Reports, tell about it to Admin/Moderator/Referee from PCS Tournaments 24h or more BEFORE match.
4. If you are recording the game, upload the video max 24h after the game ends.
5. Player are NOT allowed to agree on match without AC.
You can download on nohope.eu and set it for CS2D
it takes screens randomly or each 60secs(im not sure yet)
It checks hitsounds, every dll and processes on your pc checks binds, takes screenshots of the match
it has some flaws, but we will start recording finals so cheaters can never win a tournament 1uP User
Gaios: I still wonder if you can call it 'anti-cheat' rofl