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English Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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Just read all the development entries I've missed (there were quite a few I haven't read yet!) and I wanted to comment on them.

About the whole breadmaking, am I free to assume that all food (other than gatherable) is going to be prepared so there'll be a skill, a process involved and it'll result in different quality foods based on ingredient quality and the experience of the survivalist?

For the IRL breadmaking, you can add just a tad bit more flour and a half spoon of oil, it helps A LOT when kneading dough. At least it helps me a lot as I regularly knead dough for pizza :p

With the berries, a question came to my mind: are you planning to make a single object which you click and berries are gathered or will you actually be able to pick berries separately.
What I mean by that is -
A) Bush + 5x berry > click bush > gathering time > 5 berries in inventory
B) Bush + 5x berry > click berry on the bush > 1 berry in inventory.
I had this question because sometimes you prefer to take less resources if they can spoil fast and obviously, they don't spoil if you don't take them from source (well, not immediatelly anyways).

Thanks for the answers ^,o

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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Thanks for the baking tips

Yes, food processing skills are planned and yes, it's planned that they affect various aspects like amount/quality of the resulting food as well as production speed. Moreover the skill system might unlock new ways to process food / allow you to choose related perks.

Regarding collecting berries: I'm not 100% sure about that yet. But it will probably be like in Stranded II. There you had up to 3 berry clusters per berry bush, each consisting of a few berries and you were able to collect those clusters separately.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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Stranded III Dev. Blog has written
Do you remember when I wrote about converting the Lua UI elements to C#?
I now worked on the Lua API of the C# UI elements so you can use them in Lua to easily and quickly build your own dialogs, windows and UI elements.
There are a lot of different UI elements with many settings so it will be a lot of fun to document all this...
This. This can be the only thing that means I should play the game. Well done.

old Teh textures

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It looks old and used, obviously. You have drawn it as a texture and it's fixed. But! Wouldn't it look cooler if the white printed color was NOT fixed? I.e. same item with different looking textures. This would add a lot of visual diversity to the game at a low cost.

Think of this example: Minecraft has a limited subset of sounds. Let's say a cow has 2 "moo" sounds. What Minecraft does is:
• Pick a random sound out of the two
• Slightly, randomly change the pitch (technically playback frequency) of the sound, so it sounds differently each time
> This change is barely (consciously) noticeable/recognisable as a player but has a great effect

How can this be applied to textures? Like CSGO skins. Each skin has a "wear" float value, the higher the value the battered the skin on the weapon looks. Further, some weapon skins don't(!) have fixed textures, but texture atlas that is randomly rotated and overlayed, e.g. AWP Sun in Leo: overlay texture, preview and wear value

Now, the first aid kit may not have a great variance but you could add "wear" to the color (deep scratches in plastic) and printed text (layer mask). The same technique is especially applicable to tools, fruits, wood and other natural objects (can't think of usage for animals off top of my head).

Obviously, optimization is required and same techniques as for texture streaming can be used.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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@user VADemon: It's a nice idea but too much effort. It doesn't add enough value to the game (and nothing to the game play at all).

In CS:GO it makes a lot of sense to have such a sophisticated system because they sell the skins. But I currently don't see a reason to invest a lot of time to implement the same thing for Stranded III.

Maybe later though when the actual game works

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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It is a rule violation and I would temp ban users for doing the same thing but I don't care

Containers like the backpack will increase your storage capacity. So you can carry more items. You will also be able to have multiple containers (like trousers with pockets could also be a container) and in theory also containers in containers for containerception. And yes, if you drop a container you will drop it with all its content.

There's however also the weight. If that gets too high you will move slower / lose the ability to jump and need more food/water to move. Containers can't help you to change that. skills (probably something like strength) and probably some perks will help you to be able to carry more weight before seeing negative effects.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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@user xsiN: No, you are stranded. Why should they drop stuff instead of rescuing you? I mean they could drop something but that would also imply that they know where you are which on the other hand would mean that you will be rescued soon which would... kind of end the game.

The whole idea of Stranded is that you are alone without support from outside.

So the main way to obtain these things will be looting wrecks or finding stashes hidden on the island.

old random games, random events

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Will there be different (randomly chosen) start scenarios in random games?

By start scenario I mean the way the player strands on the island (ship, plane, ...) which might eventually influence the possibilities of escaping the island (initial skills, materials brought onto the island etc.).

And what about random events on the island (especially when not playing a custom map)?
It would be pretty cool if randomly generated maps would offer very different experiences (random starts, random events, different ressource availabilities, different biomes, etc.).

And what about teasing the player by showing some very distant ship or plane (e.g. very small at the horizon)?
Of course you'd have to be very careful about this (not too close and not too frequent) or it wouldn't work with the concept of being completely alone.

But I think it could be pretty cool if something like that happened extremely rarely and definitely out of reach.
Maybe it could help the player getting off that island if certain conditions are met (like possessing certain skills and having some specific buildings / vehicles).
Of course that'd have to be very hard to make the gameplay more interesting.
Or those events are just about the visuals and supposed to make the player believe that a rescue might be possible that way even though it actually isn't.

If correctly executed it could add to the whole atmosphere of being alone by creating some additional desparation and the effort of implementing this wouldn't be that high; a very distant ship or plane looks great with very little detail (animations would be rather trivial too).

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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@user -tony316-: This is something I already wanted to with Stranded II actually. That's why there are these random characters on the random maps.

Of course I plan to extend this and I want to add more interactive randomized/scripted content on random maps to make them more interesting. This content can have different forms. Like items/characters which trigger quests or events which trigger further stuff like a volcano eruptions, forest fires, earth quakes, strong weather etc. (these are just ideas/plans - I'm not promising that any of that will make it into the game)

Regarding ships/planes passing by: Interesting idea. Will consider it.

@user Yates: Thanks. I like it too but unfortunately it has some annoying flaws (I tried to hide them in the image).

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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id love to see a return of the pirate, maybe give him a motley crew of characters and if not a campaign surrounding them, at least make them a fun random enemy both on land, or out at sea.
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