CS2D Reborn !!!
CS2D Reborn !!!
9 replies I just can't believe that CS2D has got many players in few days! Today I just noticed 177 Players currently playing at CS2D's servers while it was only about ~35. It's increasing every minute!
I just dream to CS2D go back to his glory years. I love this state when going to CS2D I see full servers. Also after Steam Greenlight we will get a lot of new players! Bet it will be ~300 players for minimal.
Greetings to the community!
About two weeks ago I asked some of my fellow youtube reviewers to make a video about CS in 2d. Now video is out, we got 100+ players playing and #1 on Greenlight. This is a simple thing which each true fan can do.
Everything I can say is congratulations!
Hey, Gabe! We made it to top! Now do us a favor and talk to us. There server with name "Worst C*** Sever." wth? @
_Yank: but I said 'It's increasing every minute!'
. i'm very happy with that, hope that we can reach back the old times SQ Moderator
BlackBelt: What do you want more? Full servers, just play. I really really wish to reborn cs2d, one of my favourite games in whole life. I miss it so much. 61 players now. That's still quite a lot, fantastic.