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Bitte beachten: Wenn ihr das Auto-Update nutzt, wird fälschlicherweise danach die alte
CounterStrike2D.exegestartet. Bitte schließt und löscht sie und startet stattdessen in Zukunft
Main menu music kept playing when game server was started with commandline parameters
Game no longer crashes when running a Lua script without a mod.txt
Newlines (\n) printed to the console are processed properly (replaced with a whitespace character)
You were able to spawn/equip items with bad type IDs, leading to weird results
sv_restart/restart/sv_restartround/restartround caused unjustified and misleading console error output in some cases
Env_Light offset did not always work correctly
Game crashed when making lights with a size > 256 (size is now limited to 256)
Mouse pointer was invisible when opening any menu while in weapon scope/zoom mode
Crash when tabbing-out from full-screen application (DirectX)
Crash when minimizing application window (DirectX)
Same file will not be sent multiple times anymore if added multiple times to sys/servertransfer.lst
Memory leak in Lua hooks
Right handed player skins
Crash when loading smaller tileset in map editor while map is using TileFX entity
Map briefing and server info was unloaded when switching language in-game
Bots didn't spawn in some non-standard game modes in some special cases
Dropped item mouseover is now sorted depending on the item type and price
Game will always try to load files with the original extension first before trying alternative extensions
hudtxt/hudtxt2 network data is now sent in separate packages to prevent connection loss on many calls
arial.ttf replaced with free liberationsans.ttf for licensing reasons
Standard resolution is now 16:9 (850x480 as minimum) instead of 4:3 (640x480)
Horizontal borders appear when using 4:3 resolutions (640*480, 800*600, 1024*768 and etc.)
A lot of performance improvements (loading maps/game initialization/map drawing/map export)
Loading now happens during intro screen with visible loading bar
Trigger_Delay entity now also works with float values for delays with millisecond precision
More steps of joining a server are now described properly with text output
Console command "entities" now also shows the used resources (image/sound) if there are any
Replaced red crosses on items with green crosses because the red cross is a protected symbol
mp_dispenser_money now defaults to 500 instead of 100
screen_quality now defaults to 100 instead of 75
Better player, hostages and npc shadows
Buying menu shows spinning 3D weapons
Burst mode shoots separate bullets (mp_recoil enabled)
Pistol no longer shoots multiple rounds when attack key is hold (mp_recoil enabled)
Lua sample script "hudtxt.lua" now uses dynamic variable values for the positions
Improved flashbang and flare particle effects
Editor and main menu use the full resolution
Some windows like console and serverlist use the full resolution
UTF-8 chat messages support (to allow users to chat in more languages)
More color codes for dropped item mouseover (dark yellow = secondary weapon, orange = grenades, green = equipment)
More detailed error message when CS2D fails to load animated multi frame images because of bad image dimensions
reqcld mode 5 (mod info) and mode 6 (is 3D rendering enabled?)
Script command spawnitem now also accepts item names instead of type IDs only (like equip and strip)
Experimental 3D rendering mode (settings command: render3d)
Tiles now have a 3D height parameter in the tile properties menu
Tiles now have flipY and mirror drawing modes for 3D
Capability to automatically convert old maps to 3D versions
Env_Sprite & Env_Image now have a 3D height parameter
New Env_Cube3D entity allowing to place 3D cubes in the map
Experimental dynamic recoil & crosshair (settings command: mp_recoil)
Dynamic recoil crosshair settings (ch_red, ch_green, ch_blue, ch_size, ch_thickness, ch_bordersize)
New editor display option to either use full resolution or to show gameplay view
Editor now automatically saves the current map as "autosave.map" every 3 minutes
Hovering an entity in the editor now also shows its name and trigger
Trigger_If now has some parameterized conditions which can be used in the editor without Lua scripting
Some weapon values can now be configured over a new config (sys/weapons.cfg)
Command loadweaponcfg (reloads weapon config from sys/weapons.cfg at runtime, server only)
Command mp_hudscale (sets the scale/position mode for Lua HUD images and hudtxt/hudtxt2)
HD loading support for CT, T, VIP, random player and zombies images
HD loading support for hud symbols and numbers
HD loading support for player weapons and dropped weapons
Maps: de_dust2_new, de_aztec_new, de_cs2d_new, fy_shipment, de_cbble_new, de_inferno_new
Lua commmand "player" now has "screenw" and "screenh" parameters to get the CS2D screen resolution of a player
Lua sample script "hudimg.lua" which shows how to create and position HUD images
Lua sample script "imghover.lua" which shows a HUD image which reacts on mouseover
New spark particle effects when hitting walls / tactical shield (only with max particle settings)
New muzzle flash effects
Visual frame selection for Env_Decal in the editor
Decal painting tool in map editor (hotkey: 5)
Console message when screenshot was taken successfully
New advanced detail radar (showing the map with actual map graphics in the radar)
Console command "debug" mode 2 - Profiler: shows detailed information about application performance
Progress bar is displayed when loading map
Progress bar is displayed when exporting map
Commands shadowz_wall and shadowz_obstacle are now deprecated as each tile has a defined height
Some old/unused assets

edited 5×, last 30.04.17 11:01:11 pm