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English Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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@user VADemon: NLua needs a dynamic library too but I'm not sure how it is exactly used, I already tried to compile it and it's a modified version of Lua 5.2 which integrates other libraries (luanet if I remember correctly, I don't know what that is) and I couldn't build it.

Anyway, I think that C# runtime compiler supports some flags that would let you decide if you want a code to be run directly on the software's memory or separately.

old Happy New anxious waitful and hopeful S3 year

pirate of island
User Off Offline

Happy New year to everyone ! are you hopeful for stranded 3? I am very hopeful! I will Never tire to wait for this very fucking amanzing continuation of the serie . Stranded 2 gave me hours and hours of very fun game play and i Just want give the most biggest thank you to DC and all of you ! But the good games get sucks too ! I ve been waiting for stranded 3 since 2012 when i Was 13 year old now i am 18 years old hahaha , but dont get angry. I know that the game developing is Just a hobby of DC , i hope he survive more 100 years to create more 3d games to all of us . Só happy New year to everyone. Everyrhing good to all of us. God bless you, thats all.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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@user VADemon: I didn't know about NLua but I'm extremely happy with Moonsharp. It's a clean and very well designed piece of code and using it is super straightforward.

At this point I definitely won't switch to any other Lua solution.
I might consider to switch to C# if it works in a reliable and secure way and is faster than Moonsharp. I wouldn't do it for performance reasons though but only for language reasons: It's way easier to write complex clean code with C# because it is much more strict than Lua and it forces you to declare everything in a clean way.

old What about Cel Shading?

User Off Offline

What you think about use Cel Shading? Is a great idea when graphics tends not to be realistic... in generally makes a beautiful game!

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

Admin Off Offline

@user alex32: I'm currently not using cel shading and I have no plans to do so but it could be worth a try. WHEN I use it I would use a rather subtle variant though because strong cel shading is probably too cartoony for the art style I'm aiming for.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

pirate of island
User Off Offline

And my coments Still being ignored . I Have a little question if stranded 3 costs money it will be on steam? I use it because there i can buy games with brazilian coins (the reais R$) if it be paid please. Make ite avaiable for buy With reais .!

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

Admin Off Offline

@user pirate of island: Which comments? Please let me know if I missed something and provide me with a link to it so I can take a look.

I don't even know for sure if the game will cost something. If it will be sold I will try to release it on steam. It needs to go through the Greenlight process successfully for this to work.
Also note: (Release, Platforms, Price)

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

BANNED Off Offline

user DC: It will definitely get sold, nobody wants your efforts to go in vain after X years of hard work.. Also it looks really good on the pictures, aslong its good, even after 30years after release and it'll always be good.

Everybody looks forward to the release, don't get us disappointed

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

Moderator Off Offline

@user DC: Maybe you could invest more time on getting a C# interpreter working under Stranded III as a embedded programming language.

MoonSharp supports some flags you could add on the header of every class to be used in Lua aswell as for C#, that's probably the easiest way to maintain the same API on both sides (C# and MoonSharp).

I already tried it with the very first example on the official website, and it seemed as simple as instantiating a object.

old hello

User Off Offline

wait this game will be released? im very curious how it will be... us

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

User Off Offline

Keep at it @user DC:! It's a pleasure to read your blogs every time they are posted, and it's very insightful to see all the ins and outs of how a game is developed. Sure looks like a lot of work.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

User Off Offline

I wonder what will happen if I pop some weed on S3.
And I hope the weed guy appears on this game, I would never leave the island, I'll be his weed assistant

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

Super User Off Offline

user DC has written
I could but I'm not sure if I want to.

I guess adding a fully working tank will lead to amount of bugs which make you cloning @user SQ: 30-40 times to get enough brainpower to fix all issues.
edited 1×, last 26.04.17 10:58:46 pm
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