he manages to keep a few servers running for this forum and cs 2d, yet i do not see any ads here or anything.

Does DC earn any money from his games or website?
13 replies

he manages to keep a few servers running for this forum and cs 2d, yet i do not see any ads here or anything.
So to answer your question - no.

The money is generated through ads on this website (limited to the download page only) and on CS2D.com (both generating roughly the same amount).
This only works because both websites still have thousands of visitors each month.
I do not earn any money with the games directly. Only indirectly through the websites which are of course visited because of the games.

How much are the total costs you need to cover if I may ask?


I could actually reduce costs to less than 30€ if I would move everything to the 15€ VPS which is probably still fast enough to handle everything properly.
edited 1×, last 03.02.17 12:01:44 pm

Why dont you put ads in this site?
Don't get me started...
this actually teaches me a thing or two, if i were to ever make a game with a forum.

if i were to ever make a game with a forum.
Best idea ever 11/10. Make $$$$ easy.

I could actually reduce costs to less than 30€ if I would move everything to the 15€ VPS which is probably still fast enough to handle everything properly.
Maybe not the best idea - as soon as Stranded III is out / has a working demo you would have to switch back.

It would actually be quite nice if I would have to upgrade after releasing Stranded III...

This community has meant a lot to me in forming my interest in computers and games. I look back on the days in which I used to frequent these forums with great nostalgia. Now, I just check in every couple months to check on Stranded 3.