Looks like none of the users here can read. Apologies, KhaledMaher.
To answer your question, game banned users cannot use their accounts in-game (but they're still free to use them here on the forum).
Banned users can't do anything.
If you are found to have hacked or created a hack, you will be (game) banned. There is an exception if you notify about it in advance but generally you get banned if you cheat.
Well im game banned i didnt use hacks but i have no proof i didnt so i just stay that way i had windows tablet with cs2d and i gift it to my brother he used hacks on it and i got banned i can still use forums so thats good and i dont have idiot mode anymore sadly
#Hajt me too i love that other story where this one polish guy tried to look cool and comment stuff without knowing truth if you dont know 100% dont comment useless stuff keep it inside if everyone comment how they feel about this then we will have full forum spammed but they aint that stupid to do so its not important to me i mean that im game banned i can use other id if i really wanted to its just letting people who know me know that i dont use hacks for online gaming i did in 2011 xkafe server once so i deserve this ban but that was long ago
Of course CREATING hacks is even worse than just using them. Especially if you distribute them. If I can confirm that a user here creates and distributes hacks I'll ban him completely (not just a game ban). Legal steps are theoretically also possible in such a case.
If you're using hacks you're pretty stupid in first instance because many hacks out there steal your data in the background or contain other malware. Needless to say that you will get game banned if we notice that you cheat.
A game ban results in not being able to log in in games anymore. You will still be able to log in to the website with a game ban. You can even continue to post normally.
A full ban prevents log ins in games and all website activity.
So the right answer to your poll is: It depends on what you are talking about. Website: yes, game: no.
@ DC: Creating hacks and don't use & share them aren't worse than using hacks . Actually you can learn programming by creating hacks but you needn't to share them rofl.
@ Gaios: I disagree. You might learn with it but it's still forbidden to do so. It's in the CS2D terms & conditions (Readme.txt).
Moreover to write hacks you have to actually use them - for testing purposes. Sure, you can test offline or on private servers but once you wrote them it's very tempting to try them out on actual live servers. I'm very sure that basically all people who write hacks do that.
Furthermore a lot of knowledge you gain when developing hacks is mainly useful for... developing hacks. I would recommend to develop something new on your own instead of destroying the work of others. You learn much more that way and you're less of an asshole a the same time. win win situation.
tl;dr: No, I don't accept that. Writing hacks for multiplayer games should always be considered bad.
@ KhaledMaher: You are a complete idiot, You are banned, remember your old account @ LeaderOfSkills: And not only do you have multiple accounts, you are also in the use of hacks.
And if you do not believe me you can see this video.
Well im game banned i didnt use hacks but i have no proof i didnt so i just stay that way i had windows tablet with cs2d and i gift it to my brother he used hacks on it and i got banned i can still use forums so thats good and i dont have idiot mode anymore sadly
Had the same situation once. Gave my dog once time to play cs2d. Later I noticed that I was banned from all my favorite servers because this filthy animal downloaded hacks. He eats my homework sometimes aswell. But I still love him.
(It's sarcasm, pls no ban)