Exception access violation
Exception access violation
6 replies Help I am new and i don't know what to do so
i come here to get some help
i am get error when i open cs2d
its "Exception_Access_Violation"
i tried to get help from internet they said you don't have to download hacks and put dlls files in cs2d folder
i didn't do anything
my pc is clear
no cs2d hacks - no dlls files in cs2d
I have moved the thread to General section. This issue lies under CS2D problems and not really related with the servers.
"EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION" means there was a faulty memory management process caused by a rogue pointer for instance which hangs the software specific to work. The roots of this could be many. Whether a potentially out-dated driver causes it or the Operating System hasn't received critical updates for a long time.
Check all of your drivers and their software twice if they need to be updated. You should also check for newest updates for your OS as well. Once you have did all the steps, open CS2D and see if it happens again. Provide all the information here if the problem still persists. Also install all Windows updates and use at least Windows 7 if you can... Reinstall driver for sound card. DC Admin
thanks all
cs2d is working now