1) Combine turttle and crab with stone harmer or stone or knife when they are catch during fishing to avoid losing time releasing them to kill.
2) I guess combining clay+knife+cement is a little exagerated, since cement is not really used; perhaps you could combine clay+knife+water if you think clay+knife is too easy.
3) Using the planting stick and then planting tooks a lot of time, perhaps you can edit to only plant if you have planting stick in the repository, but without the need of using it and then planting. (just take the seed and use like the old one, but with planting stick in rucsack)
4) More fur/hyde, since i play small islands.
Maybe hyde from rabbits and squirls.
5) I don't understand what the fish atractor does. I tried to swim close to it; ok i saw some fishes but a piranha atacked me heheeh. I didn't notice difference fishing near it. What does it do exactly?
6) Smaller islands (i like to survive with almost nothing around)