
If I write /win and then exit the game and come back to it - the screen is much too small, smaller than usual. Of course, I know how to fix it. But it's annoying. I think you will fix it, @

PS: This must be mentioned in the documentation too that tilex/y may return -1000 as a value, as well as pixel position may return the old position before death.
2) Player USGN is verified even if the setting is off on the server:
[00:21:07] recv join attempt... ( [00:21:07] VADemon clientdata: WIN {28cefe3ac30ab30ab5268978955263db3271680} [00:21:07] U.S.G.N.: VADemon ( joining with U.S.G.N. ID #7844 - verifying... [00:21:10] U.S.G.N.: Can't validate player 'VADemon' (timeout)

I've waited long enough and will write it down here again:
ADDED Stacktrace for (some) Lua errors (thanks to Starkkz)
Make Starkkz great again. Or revert the change for autorun scripts. Or whatever.
Bug: Syntax errors are not shown for autorun scripts.
An innocent user has suffered once again: http://unrealsoftware.de/forum_posts.php?post=406967&start=0#post406980

Someone arealdy say about it? Sorry!

This hook should be triggered when a player is fully connected with the server, not when downloading files etc.

Add an additional parameter to the join hook which tells us if the join is triggered on connection or a completed join (game initialized, player sees everything).

If this is intentional and there is no other way to detect custom commands via new game, why not and pls fix

btw is there any way to handle nickname with this char | in menu?
edited 5×, last 02.12.16 06:00:19 am

player(id,"name")(on menu) to

?using RCon commands via new game
Because I have no idea what you're talking about.