And the question that I now ask: how to do so once in 1 minute written any message.Not with the add trigger msg on map.

function _minute() 	msg("this?") end addhook("minute", "_minute")
time=0 function timing() time=time+1 if time>=60 then time=0 msg("this?") end end addhook("second","timing")
os.clocktime and exectuted a
os.clockevery second would be cumbersome - use a timer).
timer(20000, "parse", "sv_msg ©000255000This script for italine-RUS", 2)
message={"Hello","how are you","you are handsome"} addhook("always","timing") function timing() freehook("always","timing") for i=1,#message do timer((60*1000),"msg",message[i]) timer((60*1000),"timing") end end
message={"Hello","how are you","you are handsome"} addhook("always","timing") function timing() freehook("always","timing") local i=math.random(1,#message) timer((60*1000),"msg",message[i]) timer((60*1000),"timing") end