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old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

User Off Offline

Dont put yourself down too much; you got me into the survival genre all those years ago; i allong with everyone else here will stick around and support as much as we can.

Fuck the modern trends; Stranded was one of the first; and needless to say one of the best.

6-8 years ago when i first found Stranded 2; it was literally my favorite game at the time, and the game is still special even today.

Just do what you do best; make beautifully well designed games.

Also i hate most survival games out there
Stranded deep is boring; the forest is buggy and fucking stupid, rust is a painful pile of shit because of the pvp guff.

The only Survival games that really ever meant anything to me were minecraft & Stranded 2.
Thats it.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

User Off Offline

Definitely still continue to work on Stranded 3. I would like to point out that yes a lot of other survival games means competition-but since the genre is hot right now, it's also very easy to get noticed.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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I know it's probably the most frequent question but due to the continuous progress we get curious to know what stage has Stranded III reached for now. It's been four years now, what has been done for now ? and what's next ? .. according to what you experienced, can you say that the development took a long time (bearing in mind you work on it in your free time) ?

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

Super User Off Offline

Hello DC!

I would recommend you a software, that is easy-to-use, but also contain many way to create realistic terrain including trees, etc.

Just take a look on this Minecraft map video, that have been created with World Machine.

You will probably shocked during the video:

YouTube Video

It's support Unity3D 100%

I used to create a simple terrain in minutes before.

May it's a bit late, but with some textures could be very amazing.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

Admin Off Offline

@user Marcell: Thanks, but it's not a nice workflow if you need third party software for map creation. I want stuff to work completely in Stranded III and therefore it needs to be capable of creating random maps itself.

So this is not an option for "normal" map creation. It might be a fancy addition to create an import system for that stuff later though!

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

User Off Offline

[EDIT] Nevermind! It seems I commented on a 2012 post.
Hey, I have a bit of experience with Ogre3D, version 1.7 I'm afraid, if you need some help.
About your shadow tests, they will probably have those issues until you chose a more complex technique. I was able to get perfect shadows only with CSM with some added filtering (i think the filtering is the great part).
I myself have assembled some sort of an engine using Ogre3d, but I switched to deferred shading. If interested I can share it with you. I have deferred shading, physics with Newton, path finding with Recast, entities are defined in "material like" scripts, day and night changes and sky using Caelum(pretty old looking)...
Anyway, I liked stranded 2 a lot and I wanted to offer my help.
edited 1×, last 31.08.16 01:51:17 pm

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

Moderator Off Offline

@user DC: Neat. I picked up GameJam events myself after I started attending university. They're great and fun events and yet they're very different from times when you work on stuff at home, alone.
I like them and wish there were more (of course there's hackathons and I went to a couple but they're kinda different) here in Vilnius. At the very least, I don't get to hear about them.

Maybe I need to find some facebook group that announces these things

Regardless, this just means that you're not exactly slacking off. You're not required to develop a set amount of game every week. Even if you want to show something for us. I think it's quite healthy to take short breaks from your project (as long as they're short )
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