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old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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user c4 has written
Wait, wait, wait. What is Stranded 3? Is it like Ark Survival? Because I saw some screenshots, it looks like Ark Survival a decade ago.

Both Ark Survival and Stranded 3 are survival type games with the only difference is the gameplay in some way. In Ark, you're landing on an island filled with hostile humans, creatures and random dinosaurs. In order to survive you must build your own base, creating weapons for defense and attack, feeding your dinosaurs and much more.

In Stranded 3 you won't encounter any kind of dinosaurs or something like that. Unless, you're making a modification for this game to be nearly similar like Ark.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

Reviewer Off Offline

Is the development far enough to be said that there will be character customisation? As in, gender, weight, height etc?

Would be cool.

Development looks great so far. Cannot wait to mod the crap out of it!

• Edit:

Oh, nevermind. Found my answer in the comments on the official Stranded III page.

Spoiler >

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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@user Yates: So basically Don't Starve in reality. I'm in.
@user DC: I'd understand if you were busy this week but after looking through last entry I thought that it'll take a long time to do all the models and textures if you make two/three per week. Add programming for it and it looks like you're really far from the end result. Still, better seeing progress every week than being left in the dark. Keep it up.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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Well, well. You're really trying to post every single week, huh? Even with no improvements at all. That's nice of you. I like how the game progresses really well. This'd take a hard of work to finish. Want to see more!

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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awesome update DC; il make sure to watch your latest video soon;
i still have some stuff to learn about blender texturing myself...

anyway really liked the fireplace model; and thanks for sharing the survival crafting channel; il make sure to give it a good look.... see if i can make something interesting through blender.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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Just to let you know DC, I'll be keeping an eye on this for the first releases so I can begin working on a possible companion tool. Something a little more cleaner than S2ModViewer. It's great to still see you developing as ferociously as ever and the results look amazing. Great work buddy.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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Woah! It's been too long since i logged in and seen the progress of S3 >.>
Hopefully there's gonna be something new, can't wait for it to happen

(I was hoping to see other new tameable animals, preferably crabs )

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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user _Yank has written
Will modders be able to define their own packet types ? (and use them )

This is something I'd really love, although I don't think it's going to be possible. At least you could create a packet type that is intended for the functionality of the Lua scripts.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

Admin Off Offline

@user _Yank: No, you won't be able to define your own low level network messages which are then compiled to C#. That doesn't even really work as the game is closed source.

When modding Stranded III you won't really have to care about the low level network communication at all. You just tell the game what it should do and it will do it and synchronize all clients. For some actions there will be server sided validation code. E.g.: When you, as a client, tell to move an object somewhere, the server can run a script and either accept that action or discard it.

I might however expose some Lua functions which allow you to send and receive custom stuff. That would work a bit differently though.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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What type of skill? Hum... To be honest I'm not sure. I think I have sugested this before, but taking Unreal World as inspiration might not be a bad idea, although I believe you got most of that covered.

Would be interesting though to see a skill similar to Unreal World's physician, which affects how well you can treat wounds and such. Could be neat if you end up adding some extra depth to combat and stuffs.

Keep up the good work

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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Maybe a skill that makes you harder to be detected by animals, easier to create an ambush, coupled with camouflage (maybe related buildings).
Will traps also include some flying bird traps? Having them for their flesh, eggs, or for hunting smaller animals after taming seems plausible.
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