
This is an awesome idea. I thought about it myself because the standard maps really don't look as good as they could but it always was too much effort for me to work on that.
I would love to replace the current original maps with these much more beautiful versions. I think they look really amazing and everyone should see them.
When using improved maps it also makes sense to re-consider using the improved skins as default.
What do you think,
smn? Would you give me the permission to pack your stuff into the regular CS2D download as a replacement for the old maps/skins?
I always had concerns about the overall download size of CS2D and I still embrace the idea of a small download but I think a few additional mb for much more beautiful maps won't be a big problem for like 99% of all CS2D players.
I would love to replace the current original maps with these much more beautiful versions. I think they look really amazing and everyone should see them.
When using improved maps it also makes sense to re-consider using the improved skins as default.
What do you think,

I always had concerns about the overall download size of CS2D and I still embrace the idea of a small download but I think a few additional mb for much more beautiful maps won't be a big problem for like 99% of all CS2D players.

edited 1×, last 30.12.15 01:20:18 am
If i get you DC correctly so: there is maybe possibly to include two versions of cs2d's skins client. For example when you install cs2d you may choose between 4 options:

1)Install old-styled cs2d 2)Install new-styled cs2d 3)Install old-styled cs2d skins 4)Install new-styled cs2d skins.
For those who don't like such skins, etc, they may just change them easily.

But there is some ppls would not like to use the new skins.. like me..

Not playing cs2d any more.



i'd leave the maps that were already remade (up_ ones)
These ones need rework:
de_cpl_mill (EU) if you give a better looking to it, then you're a boss :p
de_cbble (which i think up_cbble is coming but anyways)..
de_thorpod( which already looks good)
pcs_arno( this one could get some modifications because its too CT sided)
a small one which needs rework:
I gave you that list because if you modificate them they will be played, but if you modificate de_train for example, it wont be so amazing because we already have up_train
About de_inferno, nice, that map needed a remake, but it looks a bit "plain"

But there is some ppls would not like to use the new skins.. like me..
If i get you DC correctly so: there is maybe possibly to include two versions of cs2d's skins client. For example when you install cs2d
If i get you DC correctly so: there is maybe possibly to include two versions of cs2d's skins client. For example when you install cs2d
I'm sure DC won't give up on his original files entirely, even if he prefers mine. :p
Well, I'm not much of a fan of the up_ maps. You're right though, it might be useful to start with the maps that haven't been remade yet.
I'll do that when I finished my first 3 maps.

About de_inferno, nice, that map needed a remake, but it looks a bit "plain"
It's not done yet, don't worry.
As suggested by some of you, I tried to do something about the map boundaries on dust2.
I have to admit, this took me quite a while to figure out and create since I didn't really like fake shadows and buildings other people use.
These are the only parts of the map I've done so far, but it shouldn't be too long before I finish the boundaries.
After that it's just fine-tuning and the map should be completed.
And yes, I'll also do this on other maps (even if Simonas doesn't like it, muhahah).
'Plain' inferno also got a bit of a facelift. Added some lighting and a couch or bench here and there. I'm also working on some changes concerning gameplay since there appear to be a slight balance issues.
Thanks to Pagyra for sending me a massive folder of props to use. I do need to edit them to fit my style, but it's very helpful anyway.
Next up, a lil sneek peak of what de_nuke might look like. Once again, very CSGO-inspired. Not even close to finishing.
And yes, I'm getting rid of the ridiculous way from spawn. Honestly, the only reason I don't like nuke sometimes is because of the fucking hike you have to take to get out of spawn. Also, I think that's what Valve is doing in their new version of nuke as well. (At least I hope so)
One more thing. You can test my version of dust2 on the server '[Q] [TAB] CS2D Reborn'. Thank you, Yates.
That's all for now. Let me know what you think.
edited 1×, last 30.12.15 01:19:37 am


I don't see much of a problem for competitive play since you can't abuse the teleport by moving in one direction, so using it won't give you an advantage. Testing showed that retaking A from Short is more effective anyway.

Edit: Since you seem to be interested in detail, here's my idea on the shadows in general:
0.2 opacity, 2-4 pixels offset for sprites that act like floors and obstacles (depending on what makes sense and looks good), 24-80 offset for building shadows (it's more difficult to do than using 32-96, but I think it's worth it); As much as I like realism (if that's not too hypocritical to say in CS2D), I don't want extra visuals to distract from gameplay, so I keep it relatively simple.
edited 1×, last 30.12.15 10:09:44 am

These are the unfinished versions, any new version I receive shall be put online asap.

but yeah teleports will probably suck anyways