
I`m a competitive player who is always trying to develop some new strategies to play clan wars. Sadly, due to most weapons' pricing it`s really hard to do since players only enjoy using m4/ak.
So a player can only do 2 things: a) save his money for the next round ("eco-round") or b) buy m4/ak + kevlar. Any other weapon is really situational and too risky - typical examples are M3 and AWP. But what about SMGs? If you look at their damage, you`ll see they`re really overpriced. SMGs need to see some love, too, because there are definitely some situations when buying an SMG is viable and understandable. Competitive scene in CS2D is also a huge part of the game. Please, don`t forget about us DC!
I suggest we should buff certain "economy" weapons like mp5 by lowering its price/increasing its damage/or maybe both.

I'm not sure if tweaking is really necessary here. I'm afraid that this would make SMGs too strong. They are quite cheap and already have pretty okay damage values already. The only SMG which is really bad is the UMP45 but that's actually intended

Take a look at the DPS here to get a clear picture:
Of course AK-47 and M4A1 are much better but they are also more expensive.
Concerning weapon prices to stay the same: CS2D has had numerous updates making its gameplay somewhat different from the original gameplay of CS 1.6. I hope that UnrealSoftware moves in that direction, making CS2D even more unique in that sense (as I honestly don`t believe that every feature and detail of a 3D game should be ported to its 2D counterpart)
One more question: is it possible that one day we will get an update changing something in professional play, i.e. tweaking round/bomb timers, introducing new adequate weapons and making old ones (like molotov) buyable (but nerfing its damage beforehand)?

making old ones (like molotov) buyable (but nerfing its damage beforehand)?
Already possible with

introducing new adequate weapons
I don't think

The version is already over and in the last 3 versions i no have time to play and download his version, so I could not give my ideas I now come to a head

I would like to add new game modes for that game becomes more fun but also there are too many and what you can do missions like Call of Duty, Half-Life and other games such were my ideas.
what did i learn from read me files is no one ever reads or care about them

For example: The Blank Primary Weapon would simply show the player in the holding double-handed animation, the script could then add the skin and effect (like damage and bullets) to it. This would let scripters easily make custom weapons without overcomplicating things, and it would be the responsibility of the script to change the skin and effects on the blank weapon to reflect a weapon change ingame. Lua commands to change accuracy, damage, bullets, projectiles and drop behavior (if possible) would make it much better.
If you do this, people will stop asking for new weapons, because scripters would make new ones if the Blank Weapons are given to them.
2) A new hook or something else that lets us see what keys a player is pressing at any given moment. I'm not talking about detecting if the player pressed "A" or "B" or etc, I'm talking about detecting if the player pressed forward or backward, or even walk (shift). For example, this would make it possible to make minigames where you use the movement keys as a form of control (like a Snake minigame). At least being able to detect what movement keys the players are pressing would already open new possibilities.
If you do it for other keyboard keys too, like "A", "B", "C", etc, it would also let us make more "server actions" and a lot more things too. But this particular form of it must be done carefully to avoid "keylogging", it should be easy to avoid it, only keys sent to the game window should be registered.
3) This adds to 2): A Lua command to toggle a new control mode where the player controls the camera instead of the character, either with the movement keys and/or mouse. A way to control the camera via Lua script would be great too. There could also be one camera mode where the camera is centered at the mouse pointer (limited to the default screen boundary, could also have a Lua command to toggle its max extension). This would allow making dynamic action cameras for example, and better camera placement for minigames made with 2).
4) A Lua command to change the alpha (transparency) of players, disable their sounds and interaction with the game world. Also a new "mode" where you don't control any character but the keys control keys you press still register and you still move in the game world (movement can be toggled on/off). This "mode" would be toggled on/off via Lua scripts as well, and it also adds to 2) and 3).
I know this stuff is not easy to add to the game, and I'm sure certain things that you would need to change to make them possible are hardcoded. At least adding the Blank Weapons, detecting movement keys keypresses and setting the alpha (transparency) of players would be appreciated, if possible.

1) Already said. Nah.
2) Possible with a script. Just use "walk" hook and check how the position of the player changed.
3) I believe somebody has already mentioned this.
4) Well, this is pretty nice idea.

Rainoth: A set of Lua functions to create custom menus with free button positions and additional GUI elements is planned for future releases. (not 100% sure if it will really be implemented though)

It's probably a bad idea to reply to this now, but this is what I had in mind.
Client side lua state + BlitzMax's BRL.MaxLua. BRL.MaxLua is a library that allows you to use the methods and fields of BlitzMax data structures (and it comes integrated on BlitzMax).
Basically you'd only have to make the creator functions on the Lua state, and when you push the GUI object to the lua state, you will be able to use their methods and fields.

I asked about it a long time ago
So why dc didn't add that feature yet