One of the most requested ideas for the site has arguably been translating it into other languages. It's a lot of work, so it's understandable that it won't be implemented natively for a while still. But who needs native implementations?
This project is a script I've written over the last couple of days using Greasemonkey. It translates the Unreal Software website on the client side, using translation files hosted on my GitHub repo. The script uses cookies to store the active translation file.
The script is still being tested, and it's far from complete. I've entered some initial values into the text files (mostly to translate the Portal page), and I'll be working on it alone for a little while. Eventually I'll compile a full list of strings that are able to be translated and share it with everyone - I will happily accept all translations on GitHub, provided they're good quality.
In no way does this condone posting content in different languages. This script is meant to help people understand the site's structure and rules better - all content must still be in English or German, as per the rules.
You can see some early screenshots below (forgive my poor Brazilian Portuguese translation

I'd love to hear your feedback and suggestions!
edited 1×, last 11.12.15 09:24:05 pm