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English CS2D Language File Git Repo

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old important CS2D Language File Git Repo

Admin Off Offline


I want to improve the workflow for CS2D language file updates.
Therefore I set up a Git repository for the language files.

You can find it here:

I use as a Git client but you can use any Git client to access and fork it. When you did cool changes or even added new languages you can send me a pull request. I'll then pull your changes into the master repo which basically means that they will be in the next CS2D version.

Of course I can still manually add/update languages for people who don't know and don't want to learn how to use Git but this is now the preferred way to keep the language files updated.

old Re: CS2D Language File Git Repo

Moderator Off Offline

Definitely is a good idea. I've already updated my translation by just translating some newest strings and ready to send it a pull. Sadly, I'm really a total newbie so I dunno what I should do first.

I already made an account by the way in Bitbucket. Firstly I have to click "Fork" or what?

old Re: CS2D Language File Git Repo

User Off Offline

@user GeoB99:
- fork on your repository
- edit directly on bitbucket
- commit and create a pull request to unrealsoftware master

or if you didn't edited online

-fork on your repository
-git clone http://xxx
-edit on pc
-git add -A
-git commit -m "comments"
-git push -u origin master
-create a pull request

old Re: CS2D Language File Git Repo

Admin Off Offline

Oh, yeah. Thanks for pointing that out! You can actually do it all directly on BitBucket. No need to download any additional software or any file at all But of course you can do that anyway if you don't like doing everything in the browser.

But all you need is an account there basically and you're ready to participate.

@user tontonEd: Cool, I accepted you and merged your pull request Thank you!

old Re: CS2D Language File Git Repo

User Off Offline

I don't have BitBucket account(nor Git client) to send pull request for my Indonesian translation. So I hope you can update my Indonesian language from the FA instead.

old Re: CS2D Language File Git Repo

Moderator Off Offline

@user MikuAuahDark: But you can create one right? I didn't have Bitbucket account as well but I just created it just in some minutes. It will not take a long time to create an account in BitBucket but is your choice anyway.

old We Have A Problem

User Off Offline

@user DC:
We have a problem in the translation into Spanish, instead of having accented letters for example "á", other letters are displayed.
I remember writing letters with accent on "bitbucket"
edited 2×, last 29.11.15 12:18:10 am

old Re: CS2D Language File Git Repo

Moderator Off Offline

Finally, I've got some free-time to update my file translation and everything seems to be done (Quick Play string and the rest have been translated). When you have time, you may accept the pull request later.

old Re: CS2D Language File Git Repo

Admin Off Offline

@user GeoB99: Sure! Done, thanks √

@user Reaxter: Oh shit... that's bad. Maybe BitBucket doesn't support the right encoding or just screwed it up and used another encoding. Did you edit the files directly on BitBucket? Do you have non-screwed-up versions that you could give me some way?
edited 1×, last 29.11.15 12:12:25 pm

old Re: CS2D Language File Git Repo

User Off Offline

Some bad people will use google translator or something and say he/she use his/her skill to do make this.

Only that, i have nothing to say more.

old Re: CS2D Language File Git Repo

Admin Off Offline

@user Reaxter: This isn't faster. At least for me... It would be cool if you could try to answer my questions. Maybe we can figure out what's wrong.

Also please do NOT use any non ASCII characters (like ñ) in the file names (existing language file names shouldn't be changed in general unless it's really necessary).

I copied your changes into my local repo and no changes were tracked to the remote repo. So I guess everything is just fine. It's probably just the web preview in Bitbucket which screws it up. The actual file content is like the file you just shared.

old Re: CS2D Language File Git Repo

User Off Offline

Despite the fact that translation into Russian is completed ... it is far from literary translation and read it mildly ridiculous.
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