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old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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@user DC: You probably have planned this but I'm going to ask anyway if not.

MoonSharp has two extra load functions (loadsafe and loadfilesafe) which loads code and puts it in a different top-of-the-stack index (which in Lua 5.1 would be the Lua globals index), this means you can make the code not being able to access other function environments. This can't be done on Lua 5.1 and leaves it very unprotected to the setfenv and getfenv functions, but since MoonSharp supports this, have you planned to make the client-side receive scripts from the server? loadsafe and loadfilesafe seem to be a reliable way to not let servers use Lua scripts on bad purposes against the players that join them.

Edit: I forgot that this is Lua 5.2, but loadsafe should still be able to work like load does.
edited 1×, last 12.09.15 06:43:35 am

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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@user DC: This is common question but when the hell S3 is going to be released or it's planning to? 'Cause I've got disappointed for waiting and bought SDeep. It's too boring for me anyway so I'm waiting for S3.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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Do you have any plans on making the game somehow realistic. I know everything isn't possible because it would be anti-fun. But it would like to see a somehow realistic way to gather wood and stones and to craft the first basic items.

Wood: You can't just punch an huge tree to get wood but that it would be possible to kick against a thin tree to log it, and after that you can get wood by breaking that log in parts by using your knee/upper leg. I know it would be a lot more animation work but it would be an upgrade to all the other survival games out now.

Stones: You can't get stones without tools, but pickung up small ones lying on the ground. No sane person would just punch a fucking rock.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

Moderator Off Offline

^ Definitely that'd be nice. Not forget also if someone tries to punch an strong/very solid object like a rock many times for example, your health will starts to decrease but very slowly because you're hurting your hands than getting stones...

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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I don't think that would be good.
Like biting rocks in SII, it should be more comical. Maybe if you punch a solid object like a tree or a boulder, you hear a scream and can't punch for a few seconds.

In SII, you can get sticks and stones in many other ways, anyway. You can pick up small stones from the ground or take down a bush for sticks and leaves.
And you don't take sticks by literally punching the tree. The character is probably just snapping off twigs and branches, picking off leaves, and pulling off vines.

That gives me an idea, though. Maybe if you reach the upper part of the tree, you can easily take fruits, leaves, and branches until you exhaust it.
This could be done by finding shorter trees, standing on a rock, or constructing chairs and ladders.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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@user Corvallis5: I highly doubt that. The game developement progress is still in the core developement so is unlikely to get a video of Stranded 3 right now. At the moment, user DC might only post videos which he's showing his actual work in the current stage of developement but a S3 video trailer or something like that, not gonna happen now.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

Super User Off Offline

hey DC, nice to see you're working on S3 again! although I'm not exactly sure where you're going with the voronoi stuff... I thought S3 was supposed to look a bit more realistic than S2 and not like super mario land 3D

and I hope this terrain generation is also scriptable because I have some code from an old university project that I would love to be able to implement into S3 (with a few tweaks)
edited 1×, last 08.10.15 01:28:39 pm

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

Admin Off Offline

@user Hurri04: It's not final
The original terrain generation will be hard coded (and definition controlled) to keep random terrain generation times as short as possible. I plan however to allow custom, fully scripted terrain generators. It's not difficult to plug them in and run them instead of the original generator.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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@user DC: So far the good quality of the game can be seen on that video, you're doing quite an amazing job. I liked the physics, but I wonder if there's going to be a Lua API to manage physics/constraints as much in server-side as in client-side, especially constraints because physics seems likely it's going to be done without any problems.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

Admin Off Offline

@user Starkkz: I can't answer that in detail because I didn't plan much for the physics system yet. I would like to provide at least a minimalist Lua API which for example allows to apply forces to physical objects.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

Moderator Off Offline

@user DC: But besides that, is the player a physics object? I guessed that if it is, players having the same physics functions as normal game objects would be awesome. This is just an opinion.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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So the coastlines are going to be the basis for the shape of the island? Have you tried to at first randomly determine hot spots (for a volcanic island shape) or mountain chains (for a continental island shape) and have the coastline's shape conditioned by them? Guess it'd be a more natural approach.
But either way you wanna keep the three basic shapes in mind: volcanic (more circular or a few mountain peaks (former hot spots) in a row), continental (all the exciting landscape shapes you're aiming for at the moment) and coral islands (very flat, as e.g. in "stranded deep"). Since you already want to work with bioms, you could of cause combine those as well.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

Moderator Off Offline

@user DC: This is not really quite important but you might want to add it to a todo-list;
When you release the first version of Stranded III, people will eventually try to make a admin script to manage their servers, therefore they are going to need to make chat commands and console commands, and it would be very bad if using several scripts running different console/chat commands affected on how they hide messages from the chat and the console output. So, having a pre-defined function (instead of hooks) on Stranded III to make those commands would be much more flexible.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

Reviewer Off Offline

^has a point. Better off selling it, so we can for pay and support in many ways and getting more people to get it.., which means PROFIT for you. In a good way. a good way

P.S lets not start with the price thingy again..
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