@ DC: Have you planned yet how the player library is going to work? I have a small and easy-to-do suggestion which could be useful to make different Lua scripts compatible.
@ Starkkz: I'm not sure what you're talking about. There won't be different scripts at runtime. All scripts are synchronized when joining a server. Other than that it's just standard network synchronization like in every game which is going on in the background. Lua variables are not synchronized unless you tell the game to do so.
Oh @DC, if you're planning on support of UTF characters, then please not that that "Left Alt"≠ "Right Alt", cause "Right Alt" is also called as "Alt Gr" that can be used by some keyboard layouts (in case if you're making shortcuts like "Alt+A ")
@ DC: I meant scripts made by the community. I'll give you an example of what I'm trying to say. In Garry's Mod, the developer created some functions that work with the players and the game objects, normal Lua scripts can overwrite them.
Good to see that, you moved to Moonsharp, i am sure this will make this project more better. Afaik you develope it by Unity, so may will it released to Android and iOS? Or thats require more code?
half life 1 not designed too but works original with xash3d i played 60 fps lan mp vs pc my brother loose to me he was on pc even if stranded 3 is not designed for smartphones its possible to make same for android ofc dc wont do it but someone else can ;d if they have time and skills
@ DC: I know that you don't like using dynamic libraries but I'd like to point out some stuff before you go further on the development of your game. If you use moonsharp the people will barely be able to run external modules because most of them were intended for the original Lua 5.1 or higher versions. Using a dynamic library will let you choose a different version of Lua depending on what you want to do (Lua 5.1/Lua 5.2/Lua 5.3/LuaJIT). Plus it will be easy to change to newer engines since you just need to replace the old dynamic library with the new one. UniLua supported a standard FFI library (which is why I never complained about it). But MoonSharp has no FFI library from what I know and this won't help you to replace the libraries you won't be able to run. MoonSharp has a Lua documentation that is WIP. I couldn't find anything on their site. There's nothing very official that details every little change.
I just wanted to point these things out, it's up to you whatever you want to do now.
If you still don't want to use the default Lua library for Unity because there aren't lua dynamic libraries for other platforms then you can get them all from here. http://luabinaries.sourceforge.net/download.html
Note: I'm not trying to convince you to use it, I'm just saying that there are benefits over MoonScript/UniLua which haven't been seen.
If you still don't want to use the default Lua library for Unity because there aren't lua dynamic libraries for other platforms then you can get them all from here. http://luabinaries.sourceforge.net/download.html
Never ever ever promote sourceforce. They distribute malware. Tons of it.
@Blog Entry: I really like the new UI! Already feels like good old S2 to me
@ Starkkz: An unfinished documentation vs no real documentation at all... I have other priorities and for me MoonSharp is the best choice because it's very convenient to use and it offers everything which is needed.
FFI is only required for very special things and the majority of people will never use it. Also there's a higher overhead when using linked libraries and passing objects between the C# code and the library all the time.
I might do performance tests with linked libraries later though (when I run into performance problems). I now know that I can switch the underlying Lua library in one weekend (it's not much fun though).
Will there be also a Voice chat feature for this game? I know, by having this feature there will be also kids who spam with their mic, shouting, trolling, etc. but of course there will be a Mute system too. But firstly, I'd want to hear if you're gonna implement that or not while you develop this game.
@ GeoB99: It's a clear "maybe". I didn't even think about it or evaluate it yet because it's too irrelevant at the current stage of development. I bet that there are prepared solutions for Unity though so chances aren't that bad.
I know, by having this feature there will be also kids who spam with their mic, shouting, trolling, etc. but of course there will be a Mute system too.
Kids do that in every single game that has voice chat but it's not THAT bad. You don't have to not feature voice chat in your game just because you think "some kids will abuse it". In my opinion, there should definitely be voice chat in S3. Even the majority of indie games have that nowadays, I don't see a reason why not.
Speaking of Lua support (=> modding): In all honesty, DC, I'll remind you of this.
W3:TFT Battle.net servers still have enough players enjoying custom maps. I've only once or twice played vanilla W3 online (competetively). Yes, quite a personal preference... with surely over 250hrs play time.
I don't think CS2D would still exist without Lua scripting. The majority (of scripters) are happy to have what they have. But there're a couple encouraged people who are pushing the limits by exploring the full potential and beyond (I was amazed by Tibia back in teh days). S3 has greater potential than CS2D and you should handle the modding community accordingly, the opposite of what Minecraft modders have to endure (tl;dr: decompiling, deobfuscating and building an own modding API from ground up)
Not to annoy Starkkz, but client-side mods are a greater thing than all ffi combined. Best example: Minecraft mods ("Sweet irony") going as far as patching the byte code. You're not responsible for what mods do. The users install them on their own (Minecraft, Arma, Skyrim). A faulty mod is a typical user's least problem when he already has at least 3 internet and PC optimizers installed.
PS: When I already mentioned ARMA then I should explicitly say that Bohemia Interactive should kiss DayZ mod author's ass (Dan Rocket if I remember correctly) for making ARMA such a popular game.
@ VADemon: I'm not certainly talking about their mods, I'm talking about the other things you'd be able to do if you had the traditional Lua libraries.
For example, I wouldn't be able to make a script that updates your installed scripts from a github repository because I wouldn't have the API to do so. There is no lua lanes/luasocket/luafilesystem/anything else because it was never created for MoonScript, UniLua didn't have these either but at least it could complete what it missed with it's own FFI library.
Also I'm not intending to keep pushing for this to be changed because I know it will never be changed, but I'm just stating that scripters won't go over the limits of this game easily.
@ VADemon: I know how important modding is. That's why I have it in all my major games. There is not a single reason to remind me of anything related to this.
The modding/scripting support in Stranded III will be better than in CS2D and better than in SII.
But for FFI: I already said that I might re-evaluate the stuff again later but at the moment it's too irrelevant. You must understand that it is more important to progress in development than caring about features that a low amount of people (probably less than 1%) might want to use SOME day. A game which is never finished but which has FFI is worthless while a finished game without FFI can be worth a lot (and FFI or specific Lua features can be added later if required).
So let's stop the discussion about FFI at this point please.