


Yes, a server restart wipes many settings and sets them back to default. You should put the commands to change those settings in the server.cfg (which is parsed right after the restart) if you want to keep them. Exactly the same is actually done when you use the menus of the CS2D client to change server settings.
Note: That I don't comment all reports does NOT mean that I missed them.
I'm a video!
Fast throwing all grenades
I don't know if these are known bugs. But I have seen player doing this two glitch in game.

"Hey DC, there is this bug. I will not elaborate on it and I will not make sure that it actually exists. Please fix."
/edit: btw. The "fast throwing all grenades"thingy is the same as listed above.

Well, I think this video is enough for reporting the infinite grenades:
I'm a video!
I'm a video!
Are you use it isn't caused by scripts? I tested on many servers especially shotgun servers and it doesn't happen to me.
This means it's not possible to use a tile with Wall Tile Properties as a ground tile on another wall tile.
It's still possible to use Tile # 0 on a wall tile to give it Floor+Tile Behaviour, but it's not possible to switch between a wall tile and a wall texture on a floor tile on the same tile with a DynWall.
I'm not sure if this is intended.
Whenever you click on the on-map (outside of Entity Properties) rotation dot thing on an Env_Sprite with a negative Y Size, it inverts the rotation.
A negative X Size doesn't effect rotation.
Whenever you resize a sprite with the on-map (outside of Entity Properties) bottom right square and you hold Shift, it defaults to a 1:1 ratio as opposed to whatever ratio the sprite had at that moment or has in the base file.
You can't see the on-map (outside of Entity Properties) resize/transform/rotate squares and circles on a very small size sprite.
Negative Y Size and X Size change how resizing works;
- Negative Y: dragging up decreases Y Size even more and therefore increases visual Y Size, and vice versa.
- Negative X: dragging left decreases X Size "" "" increases visual X Size, and vice versa.
- Negative Y and X: both of these things happen at the same time.
Adding rotation to positive X / Y Size changes resizing mechanics:
- Rotation 0 / 180 degrees: normal resizing
- Any other rotation: dragging up decreases Y size, dragging left decreases X size. However, because the rotation is not 0 or 180 degrees this results in an inverted visualization of these resizes (dragging in Y direction changes in-entity Y direction and on-map X direction on 90 / 270 degrees).
The same happens with negative X / Y Size, but it's even more convoluted like that obviously.
edited 1×, last 12.05.15 04:02:11 pm

and I really wonder this, why five-seven's reloading is longer than rifles such as ak47,m4a1? I wish this weapon's reloading delay could be changed in the future version.

Terrorists can buy defusekit by using

I don't see any problems with this. Grants nice modding possibilities.

and I really wonder this, why five-seven's reloading is longer than rifles such as ak47,m4a1? I wish this weapon's reloading delay could be changed in the future version.
I Just can agree with this.
And of course increase "Elite"s ROF. It's freakin expensive and actual worse than any standard gun.
(Well there's an idea thread but fuck it)

I don't see any problems with this. Grants nice modding possibilities.
Yep, it doesn't ruining gameplay or something but still it's bug.
( and I like this bug )
I was playing on a multiplayer server and just as the round ended I threw a molotov cocktail right in front of me, but I didn't seee it exploding. I did however, at the start of the next round, start taking damage from it, as if I had just thrown one (however there were no particles and I had definately not used one in the new round)

I probably won't fix the defuse kit buying bug.

I have problem with my spray

Format: .bmp
Size: 32x32
Colors: White, Black, Grey
In some servers i see it like this:
In others i see like it should be:
So whats the problem?

Anyways, it's my refresh rate.