Plase help me How to make a ON / OFF The Lua Scripts ? Like On/off Killstreak , On/off Server Title ( Strakkz Admin Scripts ) , On/Off Show Damage.
If you can find the scripts like that , Plase post in this thread!
Thanks you.
messg = "OFF" addhook("serveraction","yuac") function yuac(id,act) if act == 1 then if messg == "ON" then messg = "OFF" elseif messg == "OFF" then messg = "ON" end end end addhook("second","yusec") function yusec() if messg == "ON" then msg("12345") end end
hpshow = 1 Adm = {"131785"} addhook("hit","_h") addhook("say","_s") function _h(vic, src, wpn, dmg) 	if hpshow then 		if src > 0 and src < 33 then 			msg2 (src, "\169255255255-"..dmg.."HP") 		end 	end end function _s (p, t) 	for _, usgn in pairs (Adm) do 		if player(p, "usgn") == usgn then 			if t == "!hp" then 				if hpshow == 1 then 					hpshow = 0 				else 					hpshow = 1 				end 			end 		end 	end end
true false
0 1
if (variable==true) then 	-- here is your code end