
I would love to see - if ISIS actually did take control of the situation.

Admin/mod comment

So accept that there are jokes about your religion, because there are jokes about every religion. There are jokes about everything. Because humans try to have fun. War and crime should never be the answer to jokes and fun. War and crime should never be the answer to anything. A lot of people still have to understand that.

BTW idk if this is a war, USA doesn't seem to care too much nor even need to.

Night Till Death: You're completely retard.

I for one don't agree with the main topic. It's a bit loony to be honest. In general terms it's not like that. But some people actually think like that which is just sad and not really a good way to think as it causes nationalism which is infact dangerous to some degrees.

I would love to see - if ISIS actually did take control of the situation.
I double that.
Also, why the bump? This thread is filled with obnoxious posts and it should be closed.

Muslims tend to say "There's no God but Allah" which they mean the islamic god or somehow and a bit hard to understand the things of Islam.

You love your mother, but she died. And you still love her but then there is group who draws picture of your mum, which makes you mad. Then, they share it all over the world. I bet you wouldnt just sit and watch when they are drawing these paintings.
In Islam, muslims love their god, their prophets, also their families. What if muslims start to draw shit about Obama, i bet they will be nuked in next day. I understand people who are mad. Its not ''freedom'' its insulting others religion. I wouldnt say ''they got what they deserved'' but thats not right.
People who dont believe in god shouldnt comment here anything, because they doesnt understand how it feels. When i heard they are making fun of our prophet that made me sad, i was sometimes mad. Why people accept something like this?

If you take other people and the media seriously, then it won't help you.