
DC can't handle the whole forum alone so he need the help of some moderators to handle the forum against trolls, breakrules and such.

I don't like moderators.
I don't like you either.


edited 2×, last 30.03.15 05:19:09 pm

It's highly unlikely to see anyone get banned for more than one week. I've done it only a few times when I banned people claiming that they were DDoS'ing, 'hackers' and so on. This probably doesn't add up to even 10 times.
The duration depends on how major the rule violation is for the moderator. For example, I've seen few moderators ban people for a week when I ban people for 3 days, but in other cases, I may ban longer than others.
I don't know if other moderators apply this method but I usually increase the ban duration if the person keeps breaking rules, meaning that I ban for a short time (a few hours mostly) on the first time but longer on other times.
There was a warning system before and it was removed. Needless to say, I believe it wouldn't have been removed if it was useful. If we want to warn, we can leave a mod comment or temp ban for 5 minutes so I wouldn't say the current system is flawed.

It is NOT useful to help people that way. The only thing you do is to make it seem like you're someone special. You're only doing it for self-display: "Look I'm a mod, I don't need to answer like all those filthy casuals, I can answer in a mod comment". Seriously. Stop it. This is a FORUM. Help should be posted in normal posts, because that's what a forum is about.


Wait, but how Leiche can change the rank of a user like giving moderator rank?

You nailed my head with this...
Anyway, when i saw you was a moderator in the past, you did a good job as a moderator too, i appreciate you.

editing of profiles of others has been enabled for mods recently

What if a moderator abuse these rights (well, there are less chance that a moderator can do it) but just in your opinion what do you think?
With these changes that @