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English TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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old @Jas

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I didnt realize there was a limit to the water stored in the well. Good to know.
Sorry I didnt think to check in the to-do list to see if the issue with the well was not found. I looked every where else though. lol. 1/2 credit, lol.
Keep up the good work. You the man!

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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hey guys..just a few things to note today:

1) A couple new models added, a primitive "Walking Stick" that is quite fast early on melee attacks. A "Blowgun" made from bamboo and blowgun "Darts" and "Poison Darts". Will also help in early game play. You can poison units from a safe distance long before making a bow if you cannot find bow-arrow material.

2) Also in this next update, anytime you strike an object with a weapon or tool, you will see how much HP it has left in the display HUD with the new addition "Target:" display. This should help visualize that a tree is about to fall, or an animal is about to die, for example. Something you could tell in reality by simple seeing the chopped tree, or wounded animal.

Check out the To-Do list on page 1 for further info on the new features and fixes coming up by this Friday.

All the new combinations for the new stuff has been added under Diary-Basic Crafting at the top while playing ingame.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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Awesome new additions!!

Hey quick silly question: there is no way of setting say, double click E, to "keep performing action", i.e., clicking?

As suggested before, I think there is too much life in my last island, u might want to bring it down a notch. To balance it off, maybe make hostiles more powerful re points req to kill.

I like the storms and rain damage, the new lobsters, the craving system.

I think you should give some thought to backpacks. So from the first couple of days you can Level 1 carry stuff with your hand (10 K) or have skin or a Net to round up a few items early on; and later you can increase your carrying capacity by crafting "back packs" (which should break etc, and you can even sub specialize: wood, stone, fruits, backpacks (i.e. back pack baskets)

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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Speaking of more powerful hostiles, and the late game being much easier, how bout some events for late game that don't trigger until you've survived your first year on the island.

Something like pirate raids. Have a lovely fire-fight with them, and if possible, maybe a ship to slip onto and steal the gold, rum, weapons, and food after a tough battle with the pirates still on the ship. Of course you wouldn't be able to sail the ship on your own.. though maybe after training some friendly natives to help you there... and supplying it with much more food than the supply ship probably requires so you can feed your new crew as well. Then there's the danger that the pirate ship will be shot at on sight, so not truly ideal for escaping. I also had the idea of luring the pirates to a specific location by leaving fake treasure maps around, and they all gather up next to a few kegs of gunpowder. KABOOM!

I also desire a werewolf event myself. It can climb your barricades and get to you FAST. That's certainly not realistic though. I also miss the raptors ;.;

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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Hey, I do not understand why you would need to have that feature for the E button...E "uses" or "picks" so I don't know what you mean by "keep performing the action".

Like turn it "on" and "off" to pick a bunch of grapes? So you only have to "look" at it and it will pick them automatically?

Or are you mistaken and mean when you are swinging like and Axe to chop a tree? That you could "double click" the Right Mouse button and it will auto swing the axe...or net to beat on stuff? (right mouse = primary attack)

I have been thinking about the rucksack and considering what to do...I am still undecided but will do something by the time I finish the mod, yes. My thoughts on reducing the amount you carry: There is something I have not figured out yet with scripting S2, it has to do with "some" Items disappear at the midnight update, while other items do not. If I can figure out how to script "all" items to remain at midnight then I would really like to reduce what a player carries. But, currently if you drop say 5 fillet & 10 stones on the ground and midnight passes, the 10 stones remain and the 5 fillet they disappear. I do not want to reduce what you can carry and have it suck that you gather a bunch of stuff and it disappears at midnight because you can not even build a storage until you make Iron Nails.

No what I'm sayin?
Thank you!

Hey Hey
The walking stick looks more like a "club" that you sharpened a point on the tip. It is not a tall stick like a "staff". But I know what you mean i think. Good Idea! It is "unique" in that is is pretty fast, shouldn't be to hard to kill a monkey or gather resources, It swings way faster then a hammer or net...but breaks often.

There is currently some late game scripts that run as you survive longer. The spawning of hostiles increases dramatically after 1 year and even further along "more hostiles" spawn more frequently.

However, I agree. And I do plan to add more variety of "events" and make them harder and "unique" later in the game. Yes!

A werewolf? not!

The other idea about a pirate invasion and the ship and stuff would be very hard to script I think. I will think about it as I add the other NPC/Player interactions. Maybe something like it can be achieved. I do have the 1st female native added and functional...I just have to finish her and her "role" in the game. The male native that runs around and kicks you will be her "counter-part" and changed to a male version...meaning they will both have the same role. (so a male player can choose the female, while a female player can choose the male)

But yea, I will think about all ideas here...what I can script, what the engine can handle, and how it will affect the mod over-all. Thank you!
edited 2×, last 28.01.15 12:45:42 am

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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Yeah I pretty much gathered the ship, and things IN the ship would be a problem, as well as getting NPCs to move to one place based on items you drop. If nothing else, the pirates could simply carry pirate-y loot. Gold, rum, swords, pistols and ammo, maybe a key to a randomly placed chest you can find on the island, but not open until the pirate encounter.

A werewolf? not!

D= You racist!

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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I can actually currently script an npc to go to an item you drop. In another thread, I have asked some time ago about S2 "watercraft" issues. I have a model pirate type looking ship I wanted to add that is way cooler then the current ship that unlocks late game. I cannot get the ship to import correctly, and the thread provided no answer that works right now.

If I get that in I could make escaping the Island on the ship more like an last event where you have to steal the ship from the invading pirates. If you get the ship you can steal it and escape, if not, then your stuck there until you fire signal the a passing plane to escape...or another pirate invasion occurs. (originally you would build the ship in 4 sections then load it to escape)

I already have a chest model included, I was thinking of having 1 randomly spawn under water somewhere at the start, or something too...seems like it would go along with the same idea in some way...

or something

p.s. Heres a spoiler of the blowgun, darts, and walking stick.

edited 4×, last 28.01.15 04:28:10 am

old New Update Posted 01-30-15

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New update posted! 01-30-15
Download from the top of page 1 or any of my signatures.

1) Is compatible with previous 12-06-14 version, just copy your "save" into the "saves" folder to continue your current game.

2) Be sure to skim over the "change-log" on page 1 or in the main game folder text file. New combos also listed in the ingame Diary/Crafting/Basic Crafting, at the top.

p.s. Hope you like the improved performance and additions. Good Luck! and Have Fun!
edited 2×, last 30.01.15 02:24:09 am

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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Been a while. Got my brother playing the game now.

He was complaining about playing on easy with a medium island and had sheep everywhere. Also had an apparently unlimited pile of wool in the center of the island.

What about upping the whale loot? Honestly you shouldn't be able to carry it all in a dozen trips. Like 1000 meat, 1000 fat and 500 bone. The oil burns fast now anyway should defiantly be bumped up on yield.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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(1) re whale: as long as it disappears within a reasonable time, hell yeah!!

(2) re clicking: Yes, I was mistaken, I meant clicking while logging or mining, which I hate.

(3) re runsacks: JJ, thanks for the answer and giving some thought to it. My "beef" (pun intended) with carrying capacity is old, just as it was the impact of weight on speed (which you fixed, thank you!). You know my opinion is that it is way too high from the start and that we should upgrade the concept from "days on the island" (unrealistic) to object(s) in your person (or by consuming some schedule 1 or 2 potions).

(a) As it is now, it is too easy. Either we are required to carry less, or objects have to be heavier, or you gotta tweak the impact on speed and exhaustion, or ideally a combination of all of the above and more.

(b) cart: Heh!, eventually we should have a cart (or more than one) which can be used 2 different ways:

(first of all, the packs/carts would be stationary objects)

(i) packs: Pick up with empty rucksack (to pretend we are carrying it) it would increase your carrying capacity, but would slow and tire you down a %. At least 3 levels. Moreover, you can have specialty packs: for bamboo, for wood, for ore, fruits, etc. Each with different weight/speed/exhaustion.

(ii) carts: Same as above + then "E" to a "tamed" sheep and voila: produce a new (albeit extremely slow) mobile unit to carry heavy loads BUT acquirable before the monkeys. Maybe require some other tool/object to affect some of the combinations. And importantly, you can after also pick up a backpack and monkeys. The question becomes whether to require whipping, thus exhausting, or make it passive like the monkeys that follow you, or either one depending on your skill and/or tools. Heh, chew on that.

Then you can take a wack at the whale and make sure to at least get as much oil as possible before it goes to waste.

(4) AND how about whale beaching and then having an skeleton. In fact, a few days ago I thought about skeletons for natives, but maybe it should be extended to all animals.

(5) Anyways, JJ, for natives, how about:

(a) As it is now, once we kill them we cannot pick up their body but we can pick up the boons,
(b) after a week: an skeleton should replace the body, and the boons stay. As it is now, we can pick up the boons but we cannot pick up the skeleton. So, I guess is just a matter of timer+replacing graphics?
(c) after a month: the skeleton and boons disappear AND a random bone/skull is left behind, which can be picked up!

I do not think it would take that much coding. BUT MORE IMPORTANT, I do not know what the impact on performance would be. I wouldn't sacrifice more than .01% to it because this is just cosmetics. But again, I got no clue how that coding wizardry works.

(6) JJ, I think "early" buildings should experience a MUCH higher likelihood of "slight" damage any given day, or collapse during rain and storm. imo you gotta make the shelter and storage branches way more complex and steep; which shouldn't be too difficult, coding wise (but I got no clue). Somehow you gotta force the player to "at least" consider every day whether it is time to (a) build a better shelter or (b) whether it is time to stop loosing resources to animals and elements with a crappy storage or (c) gather resources and everything else.

imo I would make the first level quite useless and the last level of each branch of building quite hard to achieve (akin to what you did with skills), i.e., focus on one before winter, or fail to achieve the true benefit.

fact: as always, clear in-game descriptions (as to the pro/cons of each shelter, or any other building) would be the second half of the improvement.

(7) How about new skill: martial arts. Player gets points for creating ammo, weapons, and in the future armour, and for killing natives. Kind of similar to hunting, so maybe not worth the time. But at least consider giving skill points for object creation.

(8) Boons: I recently began playing Game of Thrones Ascent, and I like many of their concepts, but I think "boons" would be especially useful and easy to implement in Survivalist. We already sort of have them, not quite, and anyways we need tons of them.


Forgive me for posting this the day of the new release. I wasn't aware. I just saw it. Sorry man. All comments above based on previous versions. Now I am going to play the new one.

And I know, I know, I am always babbling new ideas with no clue as to how much work it takes, which I am afraid is a lot.

Hey, as always, thank you!
edited 57×, last 01.02.15 03:53:23 am

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

Hi bro, thanks for posting!
Hey, The sheep breeding is fixed in this latest update. The sheep can not breed without a MALE sheep now. This fixes the over- breed when you have several of the sheep near each other...they were "compounding" in the earlier versions...meaning the more sheep you had the more they bred. Now they only can breed if near the "rare" male sheep.

as for the whale, maybe it should yield more but I am still on the fence on how to make "late-game" as challenging as the "early-game" in regards to accumulating food and keeping it stored. I understand the late game is to easy and food and water becomes a problem of the past. You generally only die from hostiles or injury, after a certain point of game-play. This will be addressed soon, and then maybe the whale can give more meat etc.

2)I will check it out, should be able to make "auto-hit" when beating on trees or rocks etc.

3)EUREKA! thank you...that is a good answer to solve the "items disappear at midnight" issue. Putting items in a "sack" or later in a "primitive backpack", and then when leveled a "advanced backpack" will keep them from disappearing.(would work like a storage only you pick it up if you have room in your rucksake)Then you would simply pick up the "sack" and carry your goods. This would work GOOD! for carry capacity. In the beginning you can only carry the weight of the "sack" then as you advance you can carry the primitive backpack, then later the advanced backpack. Awesome idea! this will be done next update! (will have to test this out, there may be an issue cuz the "sack" is deleted and re-made when you "move" it, like everything, it is re-created everytime you pick it up or drop it...meaning the sack would be void of goods unless I figure out something to re-create what is "in" the sake too. (might cause a lag spike when dropping or picking up is my theory cuz it has to count, identify, and recreate what ever is in the sack.). edit:actually, this could work. I could simply make the regular "rucksack" change weight capacity to equal the size sack, or backpack that you currently are using...I would also have to make it a "menu" that the player can "sort" stuff that they want to drop in the sack or keep on them, to solve the "re-creating" issue if you drop a sack full of items. This solves the items disappearing and re-creating, the any lag spike that would then happen during the menu...which the player will not detect under a paused menu.

3a)Yes, then when you pick up any "sack" or "backpack" your speed and exhaust would be jaded heavily!

3b) I already have a "sled" type cart that will be added, can be used to move logs and such or goods in bulk. Thought about hooking it to the "Tamed Wolfdog" only. So the player must pursue wolfdog to get the sled to be mobile.

4-5)Same issue as items. All "units" that are dead disappear at midnight. I dont know how yet this could be done. I had some thoughts on having some bonus or new thing where the player has a choice to "bury" the dead unit to receive a "bonus" of sorts, or something like that.

6)Still working on buildings yes. I don't know yet but I will do something to make the process more "decisive" for the player.

7)hmm. I dont know about adding more skills. would be alot of work i think. would have to then re-correlate what a player gets when he advances in that new skill.

8)Boons? You mean Bones? I do not know. What is a boon?

P.S. You are forgiven. Your welcome and Thank YOu!

spoiler of the model sled, not mine, but will work in the backpack scenario as the largest type you can make maybe. Or maybe I put it separate in the "vehicles" build menu with the boats. You can pull it around yourself with jade speed and exhaust, or hook it up to Wolfdog and command him with the dog whistle to go, come, & stay.
edited 4×, last 31.01.15 06:28:31 pm

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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I was not familiar with the term either. A boon is a thing that is helpful or beneficial. So we already have them. Any given item that we acquire is by definition a boon. But it is really meant as an extraordinary benefit. And, in Game of Thrones, the boon items are used as boosters. So, think of items and then tie them up with some kind of benefit if you carry it in your person. For examples:

- a machete = +10 damage when striking
- "The Branae Tribe's Pair of Bamboo Daggers" = +15 Damage + 20% speed
- a branches & Leaves Shield = -50% damage from arrows
- The "Wanatabeyes Tribe's Wooden Shield" = -70% damage from ranged attack, -10% damage from melee attack, +10 Damage
- leather shoes = +10% speed & -10% chance of injury
- "The Orgun Tribe Boots" = [+20% speed & -50% chance of injury from running or falling]

You get the idea. You can get creative creating items and different combos, including adding weight and negatives, etc... that is the easy part. I guess the hard part is coding. Heh, details.

As I mentioned, we already have them, i.e. weapons, tools, gloves, boots, etc. But you can get creative and add a second level with meaningful cosmetic boons. Start adding items slowly as you learn how to code them. Maybe you will get some help from other coders as time goes by. They will add up and contribute to the evolution of the game dynamics.
edited 6×, last 01.02.15 02:31:13 am

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

oh i see...Boon

I will consider more boons in the mod yes

have a glance at the new to-do list for some of the new stuff upcoming, stemming from your ideas and posts.
let me no what ya think of it:)

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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Dude, that is awesome!

I really wish I knew how to code, I would give you a hand.

(He he, re your comment in the first post that Survivalist is 99% done... do you know that mathematics law that illustrates that as you approach perfection, even if by huge leaps every single time, you will only get closer and closer to it ad infinitum?)
edited 4×, last 01.02.15 03:33:09 am

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

Here is a spoiler sketch of the rucksacks. When you pick one up it sets your rucksack to that size. When you drop your sack your rucksack default is 1,250.

when you drop any sack/pack your stuff is in it, when you pick it up you will see all the stuff in your rucksack, and use the stuff there as normal (with the new rucksack capacity). When you drop the sack your stuff goes with it on the ground, in the sack...and your rucksack will then be empty with a capacity of 1,250.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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Thanks for jumping on it. Dude, we could make money!!

We do not have overnight loss of resources on storages due to animals and elements. How hard would that be to code? I have no clue.

But backpacks on the ground, in comparison to storages, should suffer high losses to hostiles, animals and elements. They should always be much weaker than any decent storage.

Not sure how to tackle that.

Also, consider an off shoot from the fishing branch to have a net(cotton/wool) based backpack -- very light, barely hampers your speed/energy, but can only carry "light" items (i.e., leaves, fruits, etc)
edited 5×, last 01.02.15 10:00:28 am

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

i will think about that stuff some more too

additionally, i have reduced all the storages way lower. If you want to stock lots of stuff you will need to build lots of storages. Seems logical.

Big Storage was 400k- now is 100k
Storage was 150k- is now 75k

the crate and barrel are less too.

Im doing most of this so the player has to decide if they need to kill that unit for food, or make that 10 bottles of water, or if they do not have enough storage room for that loot. Hopefully making it harder to accumulate so much so soon in the game...and hopefully leading to more challenge delaying that moment you realize you are "self sufficient", by a few months maybe...compounded with the new sacks in that you can not carry so much.

I will add some description to the storages and rucksacks... to inform the player "This keeps your goods safe from being lost over night" or something.
edit: Here is the Tanning Rack on the left. The middle is a Raw Hide in process of drying. Then on the right a Dry Hide ready to be taken off the rack. It takes 2 days to dry.

From the build menu it takes 2 long handles,4short handles, and 4 cords to make the rack.

If you have a raw hide in your sack, simply "use" the rack to apply the hide.(glow red) After 2 days "use" the rack again to retrieve the dry hide(glow green). Then you can simply re-use the empty rack.

edit2: Here are the 5 models I made tonight that will adjust the player rucksack size.

edit: Not shown is a new model/combo: Rucksack Kit : 1 dry hide + 2 cords + knife. A pouch would need 1 kit +knife, where the big backpack might need 4 kits+knife.

These are made from edit: a rucksack kits + knife. You can store stuff in them on the ground, or pick them up to increase your rucksack size, while also accessing the supplies you have stored in them via rucksack. Anytime your not carrying 1 of these 5 rucksacks, your defaulted capacity is edit:15000 g. (log=10,000/a stone 1500 etc. need room to carry least 1 log and some stuff. )You can also simply store stuff in a rucksacks you leave on the ground.

edit: while scripting I realized the starting numbers needed to be higher/ adjusted.
pouch 20,000g
sack 27,000g
bag 36,000g
primitive backpack 48,000g
advanced backpack 62,000g

You can make the pouch at the start of any new game. The others unlock at every survivor skill up. So at: day7(sack), day30 (bag), day60 (p-backpack), day90 (a-backpack)
edited 9×, last 06.02.15 03:43:47 am

old Quick start guide?

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Hello everyone,
I played stranded and stranded 2 a loooooong time ago. Just wanted to see what happened to the author and the games and I'm pleasantly surprised to see so much activity here. I re-played stranded 2 for a while then I found this mod. Quite a massive amount of work!!!

My problem is that, quoting the game guide, I got quite frustrated immediately.
I play on Normal. Here's the issue:

- to survive you need food, water, shelter.
- it takes about a day to find a good spot, build shelter (or else you get damage for sleeping) and fire (or else you die of food poisoning for drinking unboiled water), kill an animal (or else you don't get fat to get the fire started, can't boil water, die of food poisoning). If you are unlucky it can take more than one day. Performing all actions needed to do this depletes your two breads and water and leaves you at about 60% hunger and thirst.
- even when hitting leafy plants, the number of hits necessary to gather 30 leaves brings the thirst level up as much as the water brings it down. Vines have the same kind of problem.
- this leads me always to a situation where after the first night I wake almost always with the thirst bar full.
- since the amount of thirst gained when gathering the leaves is barely offset by drinking the water obtained, I'm stuck. If I hunt I don't starve but I die of thirst, even if the meat is juicy which helps a little. If I don't die of thirst I don't have time for anything else but gathering leaves and branches, and make and boil water full time. Not very fun.
(since my issue is with water I don't see the point in playing the easy mode, where apparently there are small water reservoirs and sources around the island.)

So the question is: what am I doing wrong? I am sure I must be missing something big.
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