2)I will check it out, should be able to make "auto-hit" when beating on trees or rocks etc.
3)EUREKA! thank you...that is a good answer to solve the "items disappear at midnight" issue. Putting items in a "sack" or later in a "primitive backpack", and then when leveled a "advanced backpack" will keep them from disappearing.
(would work like a storage only you pick it up if you have room in your rucksake)Then you would simply pick up the "sack" and carry your goods. This would work GOOD! for carry capacity. In the beginning you can only carry the weight of the "sack" then as you advance you can carry the primitive backpack, then later the advanced backpack. Awesome idea! this will be done next update! (will have to test this out, there may be an issue cuz the "sack" is deleted and re-made when you "move" it, like everything, it is re-created everytime you pick it up or drop it...meaning the sack would be void of goods unless I figure out something to re-create what is "in" the sake too.
(might cause a lag spike when dropping or picking up is my theory cuz it has to count, identify, and recreate what ever is in the sack.). edit:actually, this could work. I could simply make the regular "rucksack" change weight capacity to equal the size sack, or backpack that you currently are using...I would also have to make it a "menu" that the player can "sort" stuff that they want to drop in the sack or keep on them, to solve the "re-creating" issue if you drop a sack full of items. This solves the items disappearing and re-creating, the any lag spike that would then happen during the menu...which the player will not detect under a paused menu.
3a)Yes, then when you pick up any "sack" or "backpack" your speed and exhaust would be jaded heavily!
3b) I already have a "sled" type cart that will be added, can be used to move logs and such or goods in bulk. Thought about hooking it to the "Tamed Wolfdog" only. So the player must pursue wolfdog to get the sled to be mobile.
4-5)Same issue as items. All "units" that are dead disappear at midnight. I dont know how yet this could be done. I had some thoughts on having some bonus or new thing where the player has a choice to "bury" the dead unit to receive a "bonus" of sorts, or something like that.
6)Still working on buildings yes. I don't know yet but I will do something to make the process more "decisive" for the player.
7)hmm. I dont know about adding more skills. would be alot of work i think. would have to then re-correlate what a player gets when he advances in that new skill.

You mean Bones? I do not know. What is a boon?
P.S. You are forgiven.

Your welcome and Thank YOu!