
Re: Ideas for CS2D - READ THE FIRST POST (OP)!
Deleted User
Speedhack doesn't change your speedmod.
example you hit 1 guy more than 50 hp : (Dave + John M4A1 Seen) You understand what i mean

He meant, Like assisting someone. ,like Player shoots first at the enemy, then player 2 comes and shoots the enemy and kills before Player does then thats assisting (assist). Like

And also, what about...
...the USGN avatar on the main menu? (kinda unnecessary and stupid but still cool)
...a pull console command. (Similar to setpos one but instead of instantly teleporting him, "tween his movement" to the desired position, just like as it was the player moving by himself.)
...a different lua script sign on the server list (the current looks a way too ugly). (What I suggest is making the gamemode sign blue instead of drawing it with its own color.)
...allow servers to have description tags to make them easier to track. A filter option for it on the serverlist aswell. (ugh)
I also would like to know about the progress you made on the demo record systen.
edited 2×, last 28.01.15 09:16:25 pm

Maybe you check my file for your move idea.
Dont worry, I added an english description.

Ask me if you have questions
I´m such an idiot... Hate me!

All posts that are not ideas - that is, replies to other ideas, spam and off-topic posts - or are ideas listed in the black list will be removed.
Edit 2

It is not the best way to do this but it works. Normaly you are able to make good animations as long as the players have good internet connection. I don´t think that this cost much hardware power but I can be wrong.
edited 1×, last 29.01.15 08:18:17 am

Thanks anyway.
add skins(or animation) for died player(it will be removed if player spawn) such as ct1_d.bmp
add swiming feature with skins of swiming players(as it is in Counter-Strike with models)
add z coordinate for creation of high and low tiles and stairs between heights.
additionaly to z coordinate you can add pseudo/fake3d, like it is done in my mods

I think it would be very usefull if you add feature in case of skins of weapon\player\wave\snowflake\e.t.c. if it has a specific size (with changed length proportional to width), then it would be identified as animation frames (as in the case of an explosion.bmp)
edited 1×, last 29.01.15 11:50:07 am
Thus you will provide search servers, if your server is offline.
2) When you enter the game and click the "Find Server", then there is a search server, but as soon as you close the window and open the search window again, the search servers will happen again. Ie it is very inconvenient, since you have to wait (when I'm gone from the server, and I need to go to the other, and in fact it happens very often) and it loads mater server. Make that would search for the server only when you first approach to the game. If a player is very necessary, he may at any time, press "Refresh".
For those who do not understand my perfect English

I mean, that annoying constant updating of the list of servers (window list servers opens / closes and the entire list disappears and update the list of happening again). It suffices to find a server once, when I run the game!
Why should you add a button "refresh" if it is activated automatically! This is a joke or what?
edited 9×, last 29.01.15 07:49:11 pm
Add a MUTE button.
im tired of read idiot coments or spams or just ppl talking about his lives, this option would be best for a better cs2d.


Admin/mod comment

maybe i double..
But it's good with using it with images, example you draw that box in map and make image on it.
As i've see in cs2d player have not 32x32 collision with blocks, so it's possible to add, i hope.



This can be used by trigger "use" "delay" or other triggers to "remove it" or "back it"
Also will be good add checkbox, but not oval thingy:
"on start" , "close only if not blocked"
edited 2×, last 30.01.15 06:40:47 pm

Admin/mod comment