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English CS2D Vets 2009 and before

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old CS2D Vets 2009 and before

User Off Offline

Lmaooo its so fuckin funny I find myself coming back to this game time and time again, i started at 12 IM FUCKIN 18 now(albeit on and off)..but yeah do any real cs2d vets still play or am I a weirdo who should've stopped playing a long time ago

old Re: CS2D Vets 2009 and before

Moderator Off Offline

Well. I found it when I was playing 1.6 and my best friend came over and was like "DUDE, there's a 2D version of this, lets check it out". I was probably in 5th grade at the time. After some time I started lua scripting and I somehow decided that I wanna program when I grow up. Now I'm 18 and although I don't actively play it, I still feel like I'm connected with the game.

old Re: CS2D Vets 2009 and before

User Off Offline

Played this game when i was 11 for about 4 years. Now I am 17 and I get sick of open house plz and little raging 12 year old kids.

old Re: CS2D Vets 2009 and before

User Off Offline

Lol, I figured there would still be a few of us. Wish there were more standard servers tho maybe I'll just host whenever I feel like playing

@user DC: Of course of course

old Re: CS2D Vets 2009 and before

Deleted User

Played since 2009 using another account. Don't even remember name now. Or maybe it was due to USGN accounts switching over to US, so not even sure if I had two accounts here, or one on and one here.

Anyway, can't consider myself a veteran because I missed the most important stages of CS2D development.

old Re: CS2D Vets 2009 and before

Night Till Death
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Been around since 2007 but registered on the site since 2009 - before zombie mods and more weapons were even a thing back then. Still remember the awesome minus health bug (with the first zombie mode came in) wich allowed to have over 50k health

Who can forget the wrench release and the Turrets lvl upgrades that followed after. Good times.

old Re: CS2D Vets 2009 and before


I'm a veteran killer huehue. Checked CS2D at 2006 but my Internet was bad, so I came back later right when the new update was released where all game movement and looks were changed. Since then I was a fan of CS2D and started my legacy I even made a youtube channel where I put my best CS2D videos:

Now I only check forums sometimes to remember how cool this game was when a lot of poeple played it

old Re: CS2D Vets 2009 and before

User Off Offline

Started playing it constantly from November 2009 around as i recall, so it's been 5 years by now

Lots of memories, i cant simply "disconnect" from this game, even if i dont play it as much as before anymore (prefer other games).

Like Quattro said, the game was great when people were interested and played in large numbers. Now it's kind of the shadow of itself (at least when it comes to motivation by the scene to play in tournaments etc). The reasons can be found with some players behaviour but also from the general movement to "give up" on this game by players who played it for years.

If only you DC, could try once again to get some advertising with this game (even with a sign attached on your new survival gamemode when it's out - like "Hey, check out this game too!". Anything. It's a pity because this game is so nice. Sounds really bad if you hear of it, but you cant leave it so easily if you actually try it. DC pls

old Re: CS2D Vets 2009 and before

User Off Offline

user DC has written
No, you should clearly continue playing and ask your friends to join you doing so

Yes, I already advertised CS2D to some of my friends. I started playing it when I fount it in program's & game's magazine.

old Re: CS2D Vets 2009 and before

User Off Offline

I started in 2007. Still playing CS2D as a good game to relax from studying.

It can also always be fun to check what the US community gets up to every now and again

old Re: CS2D Vets 2009 and before

User Off Offline

Also I started to play first time in 2005-2006 but I quit easy because of traffic limit internet in that time. Later in 2010 I made the acc and still playing until present .
edited 1×, last 25.11.14 05:39:01 pm
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