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old Re: DC the Admin

BANNED Off Offline

user XoOt: Are you idiot?! I didn't mean anyone but a moderator. I'm 2 years younger than Gajos.
EDIT: Gajos said me that he leave from the fucked
edited 2×, last 20.08.14 01:17:06 pm

old Re: DC the Admin

Moderator Off Offline

The thread as a whole is ridiculously stupid in my opinion. I'm not closing it cause DC might give an answer which would lead a discussion. Or not. Either way, don't go OT.

@user Random guy: Didn't he use another place for usgn/ I remember him saying it during those attacks on site.

old Re: DC the Admin

Super User Off Offline

@user Spartandu: well thats ridicously childish. Insulting someone after he tried to open your eyes isnt the best way to show us how smart you actually are. Btw now i believe that you must be his brother or even gajos himself as you both share the same atitude.

@user Rainoth: indeed. Maybe he already got a plan for that situation, but i doubt that as its too early to discuss about things like that.

old Re: DC the Admin

BANNED Off Offline

@user XoOt: I don't know what you have to Gajos, but you're a childish and insult other users. Stop it!
Hmm... How would you answer me? I think that you insult me again. You have 23 years? LOL You lie

old Re: DC the Admin

Super User Off Offline

There's no type of insulting in my sentences. You should better read properly next time. Its a sort of keeping intellectualy distance from suspect users like you. only children or people with childish behaviour will feel insulted by that. You're just a random person from web to me so why should i even insult you? I just want you to know how .. what should i say to not make you feel offended again.. ah i got it. I want you to know how intelligent the stuff you wrote looks. Especially when you're the one who insult someone says i would do the same to you as it isnt even written in my last posts. The thing about the IQ isnt even part of an offensive. Everyone knows that gajos isnt the smartest, judging by the things he did in the past, so i were just wondering about your post which essentially was stupid. End of story. If there are more bad words you want to tell simply pm me

Ontopic: well i dont think that will be closed. Why? Its easy, it would be a shame if that tragedy comes true some day and noone will care about DC's project. As US is a hobby development and we have many of those hobby developer at dc will find another one who will be honored by leading the site etc. Also i guess dc wontvstay until 60 or above as it will be too much for him someday.
edited 2×, last 20.08.14 03:15:39 pm

old Re: DC the Admin

Deleted User

user XoOt has written
share the same low IQ.

I'd be offended by that. And I believe that I'm far away from being stupid/childish. All you do is stating obvious facts every time you see user Gajos's multiaccount (or brother, who knows?) leading to unnecessary spam/flame.

old Re: DC the Admin


Actually in my opinion user with name "Yates the lord" will be a good admin, soon when he will die, another guy called "Useigor the ruthless" will take over the internet and get too
Tho I am the best admin hehehehehe lel

old Re: DC the Admin

Admin On Online

I have a script which automatically blows up my vServer when I don't log in here fore one month.

No, of course no such script exists here. I don't know what would happen and I actually don't care because I'm dead when it happens... not my problem

old Re: DC the Admin

User Off Offline

heheh nice
@user Spartandu: u know one thing?
maybe when dc dies u will also go with him
BECAUSE death is the most fact of life .

old Re: DC the Admin

User Off Offline

Conspiracy option 1: Cow army will conquer the world through distributing moo.wav in every cs2d version and driving everyone crazy.

Conspiracy option 2: Yates will finally become an admin and ban every br/tr/rus kid here and get rid of stealkat. Everyone is going to party if that happens. He'll also convince Leiche to join him to fight against 'Murica.

...and it was a great party. Many doors were opened that day and many users tried some of new benefits of "NEW UNREALSOFTWARE", such as more colors when writing, free porn signatures and no limit when uploading images. Stealkat was thrown into a botomless pit and his "awesome" .gif avatar was changed to simple, ugly .jpg version...

Conspiracy option 3:
Nothing, domain will expire and we'll lose another great site for senseless discussions.

old My Thread is Epic =O xD

BANNED Off Offline

if @user DC: Died then all moderators in us SGN will be Admin
LEL too many D*mn Admin and too many Helpless Moderator and All Users will be Idiot mode
and the Rumor in cs2d moo[num].ogg sounds in minecraft
why many Users Agree Yates will be Admin ? huh ? and Yates will join in C4 Server and he will ban alot of hackers in that Server

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