CS2D.com updated
CS2D.com updated
63 repliesDC Admin
I just updated www.CS2D.com because I disliked the old page. The new page is not finished yet but (nearly) all of the old content is online again. I also uploaded the new screenshots. Thank you to everyone who helped.
Also special thanks to
useigor for the large CS2D icon version!
The old page can still be accessed using www.CS2D.com/old New interface looks awesome.
Thanks DC!
I wish more new guests and downloads
Nice one.
New page has got awesome logo.
Can i try one for it.
Going to skyrocket with million users. It's awesome! I disliked the old page too, you know. classy XoOt Super User
The current style reminds me at some torrent download pages
oh yea, my pics
, i like site's style. How about a navigation for the Commands/Lua section? I always favoured Carnage Contests way to display that.
Whatsoever, it looks way more up-to-date and fresh now with these fancy colours! Old one was easier to navigate but this one is fancier. Wow. Awesome page. The old one was dark, this one looks more better and lighter. The big icon looks fantastic. Nice, i like new width. By the way, it took around 4-5 hours to make this screenshot. I remade the old one.
Also want to ask, on which site easier to add new languages: cs2d.com or unrealsoftware.de? And could you please change "useigor" to "Useigor". Thanks. This page looks good great work
Nice one DC
DC Admin
Thanks! Glad to hear that you like it. Of course there is still a lot of room for improvements and I'll continue to work on the page to make it better.
The weapons page is now available as well. It currently shows all items as if they are firearms. This means that for some items it shows useless attributes and for some (like armor) there are missing attributes. I'll probably change that later and maybe add more images (like in hand, drop and kill images).
Tobey: Good idea actually. The "navigation" on that page is pretty bad at the moment. I'll see what I can do.
useigor: Done! (@ 4-5 hours for screenshot: You are insane!) XoOt Super User
Looks nice. Especially dat header doe ; D Avo User
Everything is light and fancy, I really like it. Especially the weapons page. 
I don't like the footer, dunno why. Small suggestion, make header follow the browser's scrollbar.