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English Free Steam Games

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old Free Steam Games

User Off Offline

heey guys

i just wanted to tell ye that there's a way to get free steam keys / games

its legal,no scam (already got a key!)

how does it work:
u do surveys / play flash games for Coins
coins -> can be used in coin market (for steam games,trade cards,tf2 items,etc.)


it's really worth if u just want a indie game,u can get it within 10 minutes playing flash games.

so yeah

ur opinions?

old Re: Free Steam Games

User Off Offline

well there are also Desura keys in case u have desura

but there are more steam keys then desura keys

old Re: Free Steam Games

Reviewer Off Offline

How about getting a job and buying the games with your own money? Sounds ridiculous I know, but it works. You should try it out sometime.

old Re: Free Steam Games

Reviewer Off Offline

Well if they are teens I assume they get money from their parents for doing some easy household stuff. It's usually not much, but for video games it's a start.

old Re: Free Steam Games

Super User Off Offline

Well it isnt that hard to find a job as teenager, there are always new newspaper carriers searched so try to apply and you will get paid for one of the easiest jobs in the world. If you think you're afraid of it because any of your "friends" could see it take in mind that you'll get paid - that guy wont. As long as you live in your parents house accept everything you could get, because they still pay the bills not you. Working few days in a week shouldnt be impossible even if you visit the school. Full time worker also need to work 8-10hours each day a week. If you're to lazy to work after schooltimebthen keep it like it is but you wont be able to buy every game you want, as long as your parents arent rich and you get 200 $ or more of them each month.

old Re: Free Steam Games

Thug Life
User Off Offline

XoOt has written
Well it isnt that hard to find a job as teenager

Maybe in countries like Germany, UK, France, USA etc isn't hard, but if u live in countries like Bulgaria, Romania, Moldavia Republic etc it's hard to find a job.
Here, after you finished the school (the school, high school and an university) you'll go automatically jobless because employers want experience from them and they haven't because they didn't find anywhere a place to can work for a period to have some experience to can get a job. A chance for u it's to go away to an another country.
So, just a lil part of Romanian people can give money for a PC game.
I'm the part of the people who don't give money for games and I prefer enjoy the real life (go outside, playing football etc) because it's more interesting than a PC game.

old Re: Free Steam Games

Super User Off Offline

Thats senseless. There is always a way to get experience in your own country and most employers just wish that you got knowledge about the job, but if you dont try to get it you wont see if you have a chance or not. Those people are just human too, so show them that you really want to work then you'll be succesful. You wont succes at the first try but you'll after 5-10 tries.

OT: i dont trust those surveys. There's always a bad point.

old Re: Free Steam Games

User Off Offline

Alright guys everybody calm down.

those who know me - why should i scam u ? i just like the community,so i wanted to give something back.

@user Ahmad:

it cost like 300 coins,i got "Red Orchestra 1" for 295 coins.


@other guys

you can only buy something what is offerd,like if u want Blood Omen 2,and they dont offer it,so u cant buy it

(Just register,go to "Tremor Rewards)

first i wasn't sure about it,just watched vidoes and so,but it does really work!

i suggest u if u dont trust surveys,just log in daily and watch videos (5 coins per vid).

old Re: Free Steam Games

User Off Offline

user XoOt has written
Well it isnt that hard to find a job as teenager

You obviously live in a first world country, here in South Africa they employ you based on your race quite commonly, making it nigh on impossible for non-black teens ( or adults, actually ) to get jobs like delivering newspapers/whatever. So yeah, don't assume your view on the world is a global truth.

old Re: Free Steam Games

User Off Offline

guuys pls stop flaming

just wanted to tell ya theres a way to get steam games if ur lazy / dont find a job

also,dont make 2 accounts or more,they have proxy scanner,so u get banned

dont scam them,and they wont scam you

annd i will post more screens,im getting 500 coins for Desperados : coopers revenge

old Re: Free Steam Games

User Off Offline

Thanks but can i buy any steam game with this or there are games to choose from?

old Re: Free Steam Games

User Off Offline

you have to choose from

but there are also trading cards,emotions,Desura games,Ebooks..

but every week there are more offers,so maybe there's a game which u like
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