The Hong Kong Massacre [Top Down Shooter]
First of all the trailer is done and can be viewed over here:

Thanks to Revin Goff for the nice music.

Hopefully it shows some more stuff than the gifs released so far.
The Game
The work on porting the game to Unity is proceeding well. It has forced me to make a couple of decision on what the direction the game will take.
The biggest one is graphics. The idea from the beginning was to keep the 2d topdown style when moving to Unity, this will probably not be the case. Instead all the graphics will be made in 3d with a topdown camera with small perspective on it(although if you want a orthographic camera this could be an switch option of course).
Still testing this out but it will most likely stay that way. I have a very talented 3d artist that has taking over the graphic part and it is looking very promising already.
So whats the good and bad thing about this potential move?
The good one is that the game will look much more nicer, with shadows, textures and all that. It will allow the world to be more "alive" with real physics on objects, destructible object like doors will alos help to create a better "action feel" in the game.
And using 3d characters with motion-captures animation will help to up the quality a lot and also opens up the potential for dives, rolls and that kind of movement.
The down side is of course that the scope of game increases a lot and will probably slow down the development some. And I can also think that it might move away to much from the original concept graphic vise (as seen in the trailer) so it might actually feel a bit like a different game for some people. (Don´t worry it will still be very bloody) I guess we have to wait and see.
But overall I'm quite excited about the quality of the stuff that is already up and running in the game now, so it will only improve further and hopefully lay the road for a better game in the end.
That is all for now.