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old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

User Off Offline

user Sneaky has written
A close request command .
Usefull because alot of shitty uploads and stupid posts like my hair shampoo post need to get closed.

So if more than 3 players comment :

then the admins and the mod will close the stupid threats.

Also add abillity to close comments .

"Your think like a retard, closed this post BTW."

This'll probably be abused like i did above. And the same for closing a thread by 3 requests.

And how about :
A report button to help staff to catch threads which aren't following the rules.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Admin Off Offline

And report buttons can't be abused? It's the same thing just with the difference that regular users don't see the madness which is going up behind the scenes.
We already discussed this multiple times. Read the entire thread to see what we said.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Moderator Off Offline

@user DC: I actually think it's a good idea, you could just give us the capacity to disable this button for certain users (report temp. ban maybe?), or even a setting that lets you to hide those messages/notifications for yourself.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Reviewer Off Offline

@user Starkkz: Has been discussed millions of times. Solution > PM.

Sending a PM to a moderator does exactly the same thing. All the person has to do is link the thread/file where someone has broken a rule. And if this person is an annoying fuck (I'll get back to this) you ban them from sending PMs.

This is why reading the whole thread is better for everyone. Maybe I should send a PM to you as report for not reading the thread and continuing the stupid discussion of reports.

Hey you could ban me for being an annoying fuck for a ridiculous report! < See, I got back to it.

Problem solved.

@Mod comment: No shit, that's my whole point. Most PM reports now are basically spam. You think that will change with reports? What is not to get!?: Most people here won't use shit properly. It will only give you more crap to deal with daily rather than help.
edited 2×, last 25.04.14 06:58:55 pm

Admin/mod comment

Sticking to a idea that'd help moderators has nothing to do with not reading the thread. /Starkkz

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Super User Off Offline

user Starkkz has written
@user DC: I actually think it's a good idea, you could just give us the capacity to disable this button for certain users (report temp. ban maybe?), or even a setting that lets you to hide those messages/notifications for yourself.

i prefer this idea me too!

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Moderator Off Offline

@user Yates: You're not a moderator, I don't see why you're against this idea since it doesn't affect you at all. Anyways, here I have some reasons.

Reasons of why should it be done
1.- It helps moderators/user DC to find rule violations efficiently
2.- You can choose a proper ban depending on how many users reported the same post, considering users opinions about it.
3.- It helps user DC to choose moderators, instead of having a common user that is reporting posts constantly (useful reports), this user could be chosen as a moderator to do the job
4.- Instead of receiving the reports in a PM message, they should be received in a menu where ALL the moderators can see it and do something about it.
5.- There's people that is not considering to send a moderator a report from a user, and then they just post on the same thread to tell them that they're breaking the rules. (That goes against Rules §5.5 - Do not comment rule violations or spam)

Reasons of why shouldn't it be done
1.- It could be abused

Possible solutions
1.- Only users having two months (I suggest two months but it could be higher) or longer days registered can report
2.- Limit the functionality to three (or less?) reports in a hour, and ten reports in a day.
3.- You can't report the same post twice or more but you can report a post that was already reported by another person, it will be displayed in the moderator menu as a Reported X times notification instead of multiple notifications appearing on a list.
4.- There should be a reports menu aswell as a bans menu, something that could be seen IF you want to see it rather than forcing it to be displayed on the top of the page.
5.- Add a required comment of minimum 20 characters
6.- You can't report a post that was already marked as a rule violation (where it matches the rule-tag)
7.- Implement the "report ban" ban-type (if necessary) where the moderator can ban a user if is constantly spamming reports.
edited 2×, last 27.04.14 02:06:38 am

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

User Off Offline

user Starkkz has written
Reasons of why shouldn't it be done
1.- It could be abused

Abusing = ban.
I like this idea though the PM system still works properly if people just add the link to the messages.
I would love if people just send me pm's instead of writing down stuff like "Please stop going against rules".
But still. I like this "report file or comment or post" thing and it would be a great opportunity for moderators to do their work.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site


@user Starkkz: Seems like a somewhat fair idea... not sure if it'll be abused by the moderator team. If we act responsibly and behave then yeah... not sure if it'll be a total catastrophy however. I support the idea. I mean, we already got "Likes" like Facebook why not add a report feature.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Moderator Off Offline

Yes indeed, having a report systems with said limitations would aid moderators (no change for me cause I read all threads anyway...).
not sure if it'll be abused by the moderator team
Don't you think that those people wouldn't be moderators if they were abusive?

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

User Off Offline

Taking into consideration the daily number of posts and the current number of moderators => there is no need for a report button, because it will not grant any significant improvements.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Reviewer Off Offline

user Silent_Control has written
Taking into consideration the daily number of posts and the current number of moderators => there is no need for a report button, because it will not grant any significant improvements.

It will sure will grant "significant improvements"
Surely you must have read what @user Starkkz: said

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

User Off Offline

Moderators are already discovering the problems within posts pretty soon, that's why a report button would not be a considerable aid. The report system will probably not be a silver bullet.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Reviewer Off Offline

I agree to that and mods like @user Rainoth: and @user Starkkz: And more(@user 0a , @user EngiN33R) , Are Making This community more safer that I see now and But I think that @user DC: again surely could make Unrealsoftware a more safer and better community into a stage with these kind of moderators ..But thats my point

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Moderator Off Offline

@user Silent_Control: You might think that we don't need it, but sometimes when a fight starts you try to find a proper rule violation for each user and you can't find it because you think it's not breaking any rules. And again you need to consider opinions from other people. When I first became moderator I had to ask user EngiN33R, user 0a, user Leiche and user ohaz for hints and some help because it was hard to decide how a proper ban should be made.

I don't think that normal users could disagree with this idea because it's to support moderators, and most of the moderators (at least most of the active moderators) have already agreed with it.

old Ideas:

User Off Offline

1. Cursor based on us Theme when at this site
2. Create a launcher like Garena
-Go to webpage
-Download us games
-Launch game

old Report feature


A report feature would be useful because then a moderator could resolve a situation much quicker and therefor be more efficient in aiding the forum or file archive.

GameBanana uses a similar thing where a a user submits a ticket and a moderator will respond as quick as they can to resolve it. Perhaps a system like that would be ideal?

Limit the reports though to 3 per half hour and it should result good.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Moderator Off Offline

A input that would let you to turn this into instructions of a file. Or use the default message that appears if the input is empty.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Admin Off Offline

@user Starkkz: The file description is actually meant to enter such descriptions. People who click at download will probably have read the file description anyway so an additional field is not necessary.
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