What is the most wanted feature in CS2D? New weapons and NPCs, though they don't really affect competitive side of the game. Yet everybody wants them, to have fun playing custom gamemodes, but instead, DC deprives us of having fun. Furthermore DC doesn't even want to help his own creation (CS2D) to be successful as a cyber sport game! How else can you explain that he doesn't want to improve the lag compensation? I think this disappoints every one of us.
The website ain't much better: The russians are taking over ( EngiN33R and useigor). ohaz has left us and now we're all sad and depressed without his love. He was like a lovely nice grandmother is to her grandchildren.
Dear ohaz, we are missing you.
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
UnrealSoftware will always hate you.
The 1st of April 2014
(A #hastag is missing in this post and I got no selfies for you)
I think I'm bad at writing stuff like this.